it’s not in the editor.
this is the way you build the form in the “setting” of the plugin.
when in general admin of your site, you click on “plugins” and see list of plugins.
Under “contact form 7” you have acivate | deactivate | settings.
click on settings.
here you build the form using what i showed you.
When you finish, (click save), at the top of the page you’ll see the shortcode of this form, it looks something like this: [contact-form-7 id=”136″ title=”Contact form 1″].
copy it and then paste it where you want it to appear on your page.
you can also add it as a widget to the sidebar.
if it is a little bit too much for you, you might spend hours to understand how it works. don’t do it.
if you really want to learn it – search the support, this plugin has amazing support, or look at youtube, or hire a wordpress programmer. for him it will be a joke, he will do it in half a minute.
any how have fun