• anyone have a working version of dodo’s plugger hack? I understand that it doesn’t work with wordpress…

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  • This does work in WP (I think, I will explain in a second). When performing the installation, do it inside the wp-admin directory, instead of the default WP directory. If I understand the hack correctly, it simply creates link code from commenters of a particular entry which you can copy and paste for use in a post. If thats all it does, then I have tested it and it works. The only three differences in the implementation are:
    1) Install into the wp-admin directory
    2) b2menutop.php is now b2menutop.txt and the links are added with the instructions provided, that is, add this line after the first 6 already in there:
    5 javascript:commenter() Commenter Plugger
    3) Delete the link at the end of b2commenter.plugger.php:
    Find and delete: include($b2inc.”/b2footer.php”);
    And the rest of the hack should work just fine. ?? Hope this helps.

    what is dodo plugger?

    codegurl: Could you provide more specific instructions. I can’t get to the source atm (my problem), but am I understanding you that I’d just need to do a PHP include of this? Is there a text file I would configure somewhere?

    thank you so much code gurl! i’ve been looking for an auto plugger!

    ack! ok i just installed this..but..how would i go about putting commas between the names?

    I changed the function a bit, replace it with the old function and try again.

    thank you it works now ??

    wait..no it doesn’t..when ever i have no comments it says
    Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /home/nimil/public_html/blog/commentplugger.php on line 26

    Seems to work quite well. Could you make the update here on your sourcefile? Might save someone some trouble. Now I just need to do a little messing around of my own to get it not to show up at all if there is no comments. (Save a bit of bandwidth, and less clutter)

    <?php comment_plugger(); ?> <?php comments_popup_link('Add your thoughts...', 'said...', 'said...'); ?>
    Will give a nice result if you change the second line to the end from
    echo 'none'; to echo '';. so that the result of the
    If you have comments it will list the commenter before "said...", if not if will simply say "Add your thoughts..."
    Also, I did a 'ln -s index.php index.phps' so anyone that wants to see it in action can go browse https://josiah.ritchietribe.net/blog/index.phps or my test page https://josiah.ritchietribe.net/blog/tinder.phps

    Hm question. Everything works fine, but since Im not too familiar with php I have a question. Why does it only show the comments from the current post? I want it for the post before, but when I put the 1 in the <?php comment_plugger(); ?> it also shows the commenters from the last post in my real commenters link (you know where people give you comments on your current post).
    How can you have the commenters from the last post in my current without having the old commenters and my comments already?
    — Okay I really hope that made sense.

    Josiah, I took your example and put it under my comments on each entry. It works great, except I’m not showing as a commenters as I don’t put my URL in the comment box. Is there a way to show that I posted, without a link?
    I hope this makes sense. ??

    Mine gives this error:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: comment_plugger() in /customers/deep-within.dk/deep-within.dk/httpd.www/index.php on line 11
    It is the code, that is there…… on the line 11….
    What Ive done wrong??

    SOrry. I just jumped over 1 step.. Sorry… Dont need help ??

    I can’t find this block of code:
    <?php /* Don’t remove these lines, they call the b2 function files ! */
    $blog = 1;
    // not on by default: require_once($abspath.’wp-links/links.weblogs.com.php’);
    I tried to add it in but I keep getting errors.

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