• I migrated my blog, after that the category view stopped working. If I click on a category link at https://www.iroke.de/wp/ I get a

    Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in …/wp-includes/classes.php on line 629

    It’s the default Kubrick template, and since I thought there might be a plugin problem, but I deactived all of them (except WPG2, which is neccessary for the site to work at all if there’re pics on the displayed page) and the error is still there

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  • This is a bug with with the wp code.


    The solution is an easy fix, you simply have to split up the line of code mentioned in the link and add in a temp variable (they use $crom) that takes the value $this->get(‘cat’)

    The original code works in PHP4, but apparently not PHP5. I spent the better part of friday chasing that down.

    Thread Starter grendels


    that’s the answer, thank you!
    I looked for the error in other wpblogs on Google, but couldn’t find any results with the same errors though… strange.

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