• I have an amazon store on wordpress https://jadedsystem.com
    There are 425 drafts from product pages, that have to be published. Do I have to publish each one seperately, which will take for ever or is there a way to publish them all at the same time.
    I looked in the forum and found no answer.

    Thank You
    Jay Dee

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  • I just tried this and it worked:

    Go to the Posts page and check (in the left column) a bunch of posts you want to publish.

    At the top of the Posts page, set the Bulk Actions dropdown to Edit.
    Click Apply

    In the little window that appears set Status to Published. Click Update.

    All the checked posts will now be published.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Note: With 425 posts, that’ll take a while. I wouldn’t do it in chunks over 50 (Go to the screen options tab on the posts page, change it to 50)

    Henry Cullen


    Nice thanks, was looking for that for ages!

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