• My blog has always ranked very high in Google/Yahoo searches up until a few weeks ago. I understand rankings fluctuate and criteria changes, etc. I am worried now that my tweaks and changes have made things worse. Here are some things I’ve done, symptoms, and more information than you probably need:

    – My site is https://www.musicimagesbygene.com
    – I recently installed SEO Ultimate plugin
    – I updated the meta descriptions and keywords in SEO Ultimate, assuming this overrides all other WordPress and theme SEO settings
    – I enabled the permalink rewrite feature to change all of my numeric post URL’s to a [post name] format
    – I am running a WPZOOM theme, and after installing SEO Ultimate I disable the theme SEO functions
    – I created a Google Webmasters account and submitted site index
    – Google Webmasters is reporting some URL crawl errors related to a “timthumb” file in the theme directory. It is also giving some HTML “suggestions” relating to duplicate meta descriptions and duplicate title tags.
    – when I Google search my site based on post titles, there are no results. If I add the site name “site:musicimagesbygene.com” parameter in the search box, I get results.

    So basically I’m lost as to how to further troubleshoot, and it’s quite possible I’ve made things worse not better. I’ve considered exporting my posts, deleting all, and reimporting, but not sure if that’s necessary. I’m thinking the rewrite thing is causing problems, but not sure.

    Any suggestions on where to go from here?

    Thanks so much.

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  • If it helps at all I’m having problems with SEO ultimate plug in too. I think…so I’ll add my gripe to this.
    My blog is building URL’s out of tags and categories. My site = giveawaygator.com If I add the Tag “clothing” under the category Baby then I will generate URLs

    because no such URL was made by me, Google will crawl that URL and then mark it as 404 not found. I’m not sure how to turn this part of SEO ultimate off or if this is even where the problem starts from but all my tags and categories when combined on a post create URLs of their own. Considering I often use two or three categories and ten Tags per post the number of broken links adds up quite a bit. I’m looking at the broken links in Google webmaster tools and the graph they give you looks like a steady 45 degree angle as the number just keep growing.

    Here is one of the tools that tells you the basic mistakes and the corrections are easier.

    Please try and report back:
    Note: If the size is too heavy it will not work.

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