• WPMU, 3.3.2.

    Initially, I set up WPMU in a pre-3.3.2 version, as follows:

    Subfolder setup.
    A main blog.
    Several other blogs.

    All of these blogs have both posts and pages.

    Today, I noticed that pages on the child blogs do not work – they give 404 errors.

    Pages on the main blog do work.

    If I create a brand new blog, pages on it work fine.

    Things I have tried:
    1. Creating a new blog (it works just fine! But I have lots of customization and plugin data on the old blogs, and don’t want to have to migrate everything to a new blog just to work around this).
    2. Confirming .htaccess’ settings are correct – it looks correct, and, as evidenced by newly-created blogs functioning properly, it appears to actually work right, too.
    3. Disabling plugins on the old blogs: No luck; the old blogs’ pages still don’t work.
    4. Enabling every single plugin on a newly-created blog to try to duplicate the problem. No luck; newly-created blogs keep working fine.
    5. Re-saving the permalink settings for the old blogs. No luck; they still don’t work.
    6. Manually comparing the wp_options tables for newly-created blogs versus old blogs. I didn’t find anything that stood out.
    7. Manually deleting the “rewrite_rules” entry from wp_options of the affected blogs. No luck; pages still don’t work.
    8. WordPress and phpMyAdmin mySQL database repair. No luck; pages still don’t work.

    I’m at a loss as far as what to do next. Where can I look to try to get my existing blogs’ pages accessible again?

    Fortunately, the main blog’s pages still work, or I’d have to be doing a fresh install right now…

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  • Thread Starter Gengar003


    I discovered something else:

    On the affected blogs, I can restore pages to working order by changing permalinks back to the default setting.

    If I then change permalinks back to a “pretty” option, everything works until I do anything relating to editing a page. Updating, creating, or even starting to edit but not publishing will return the affected blogs to their non-working state of returning a “not found” error for every “page.”

    The newly-created, unaffected blogs continue to be unaffected regardless of what sort of page modifications or creations I make.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Initially, I set up WPMU in a pre-3.3.2 version, as follows:

    Real WPMU (i.e. the pre 3.0 version) or just Multisite (i.e. WordPress 3.0 and up)? It may matter a little ??

    But I have lots of customization and plugin data on the old blogs

    Like what? Are we just talking standard plugins and themes?

    Thread Starter Gengar003


    I set up Multisite when it was in the 3.0 version numbers, not when it was in the 2.x range. I thought “WPMS” was the pre-3.0 multisite, and WPMU was the post-3.0… I see that I had that backwards in my head. I have a Multisite install started sometime in the 3.x version numbers. I never had a “real WPMU.”

    The customizations include customizations to themes, modifications to the code of plugins, and configuration/setup of plugins like Subscribe2 and various multi-site plugins like ThreeWP Broadcast and MultiSite widgets. It took several days to get everything configured and working right with each other, and I had to tweak the code of three of the plugins.

    I note that because this is a Multisite install, the newly-created blogs also have the modified plugins and themes running.

    I further note that pages’ pretty permalinks were working at some point in the past, but now are not. I regrettably don’t know when exactly the behavior changed.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Okay, that’s good ?? WPMU is a kettle of weird fish.

    I further note that pages’ pretty permalinks were working at some point in the past, but now are not.

    If the permalinks aren’t working on ANY site, that;s one problem. If they’re only not working on the 404 sites, try resaving the permalinks on those sites.

    Thread Starter Gengar003


    Posts and pages work fine with any permalink setting on the following blogs:
    – the main blog (top-level directory)
    – any and every new blog that I create.

    Posts work fine with any permalink setting on every blog.

    Pages *only* work with “default” permalink settings on the following blogs:
    – any pre-existing blog, except the main blog

    Otherwise, all pages return the WordPress “not found” page.

    I can temporarily “fix” pre-existing blogs as by re-saving permalink settings as described in my second post, but any attempt to modify a page on one of the pre-existing blogs breaks the permalinks.

    Re-saving permalink settings is something that I have tried. Once a pre-existing blog is “fixed” by the method described in my second post, re-saving permalink settings will break it again. No amount of re-saving after that point will restore the pages’ accessibility.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Sorry, lots of posts with lots of information. It falls out of my elf ears sometimes.

    Can you think of anything you might have changed between when you last noticed this working and now?

    Like did you change the theme, or upgrade WP?

    Thread Starter Gengar003


    I did upgrade WP. That could have done it, except the MS setup has flip-flopped between working and not working in the past.

    Originally, I thought it was something that I’d simply mis-configured with MultiSite, so I fiddled with the permalink settings until it worked. I didn’t check (because I didn’t think to) back then if adding or editing a post or page would return the blog(s) to a non-working state.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    MS setup has flip-flopped between working and not working in the past.

    Now that’s interesting. I wonder if you’re having intermittent database shenanigans.

    Thread Starter Gengar003


    So I haven’t touched the “test blog” that I created anew the evening I created this thread, since that time. The one that illustrated to me that newly-created blogs’ posts and pages worked fine with fancy permalinks.

    Today, I visited that blog again and used it to test e-mail notifications, which consisted of me adding a post to that blog, and then checking my e-mail.

    Posts (not pages) 404 on it now, and they didn’t before.

    I’m at a loss here; I dearly hope I don’t have to go and rebuild my entire MS setup, but in the absence of a solution, it looks like I may have to.

    This is incredibly frustrating.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The only thing I can think to do is experiment.

    Make a SECOND multisite (subfolders, hide it somewhere) with a couple test sites. Add NO plugins. If that works for a week, add in some plugins… Basically see if you can replicated this.

    it’s got to be

    1) A plugin
    2) A theme
    3) Your server

    Thread Starter Gengar003


    I haven’t yet started the experiment, but I note that the included “Twenty Ten” and “Twenty Twelve” themes suffer from this on the affected blogs, as well.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    TwentyEleven I hope ??

    That’s sounding like a plugin or something odd on the server :/

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