The tricky thing about that is that the hash (the part of the url after the #) isn’t sent to the server, AFAIK.
However, you can get this client-side through location.hash
. This technique could work for you.
DISCLAIMER: Not tested, so it might need fixing. I stand by the concept, though.
1. Create a file called blogger_redirector.html
2. In that file, put this:
<html><head><title>just a redirecter</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// fill in with your info
var prefix = 'https://mywebsite/.../';
// the long tedious part...
var a = new Array();
// fill in the following lines appropriately.
// this will be long and boring. I'm not sure if there's any
// place in WordPress where it stored the blogger key,
// or else you could maybe generate this automagically.
// a[blogger key] = wordpress id;
a[11308646211680666] = 1;
a[18470128712861927] = 2;
a[12897918734298716] = 3;
// ...
a[20098781672308612] = 500;
var h=location.hash;
var done=false;
if(a) {
if(a[h]) {
done = true;
location.replace(prefix + '?p=' + a[h]);
You got here somehow. That's odd. <a href="index.php">How about you go here instead?</a>
3. Then, in your .htaccess
file, outside the WordPress section, add this rule:
RewriteRule ^[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2}_blogarchive.html /blogger_redirector.html [NC,L]
The way it works is this: the client requests a page, and your server gives him the redirector page instead. Then, it looks at the hash portion of the URL, and redirects client-side appropriately.
The downside is that it won’t work if the client doesn’t have javascript enabled, but since you really can’t do this server-side, it’s the only way that I can think of.