• I’m starting wordpress blog that will be a magazine. We will only post on a monthly basis (meaning we will future post most things for the same day and then it will all be released at the same time).

    I’m trying to gather some opinions for the best way to use permalinks for the this kind of site? I’ve tampered with a lot of different types, but I want to get the opinion of the community.

    Feedback is appreciated, thank you.

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  • You could easily have a category that is “Issue”, and a sub-cat per issue released. That’d be an easy way to filter by issue… Just one thought.


    You could also use a structure like
    and in the sidebar for example change the “archives” heading to Earlier issues and clicking on October would display all the articles for that month.
    On a more general note it depends also on how would you like to use the categories in your site’s structure.

    I am new to blogging and have a similar intention for my blog. I would like to WP as a magazine (with irregular issues) together with the usual posts.

    My question is: how difficult is it to show ONLY the main post (rather like a magazine cover) on the home page to indicate a new issue (I am using a sticky plugin at the moment). That main post will then link to another page with the table of contents for that issue etc.

    I have considered using the categories “Issue #1”, “Issue #2”, etc for each one
    i) but all the magazine posts will appear on the home page and I would like to have just the main one to appear; and
    ii) I would like to add a “Past Issues” category alongside the usual WP category in the sidebar

    Perhaps there is a way to filter out all the “issue” category for non-display on the home page? I apologise that this sounds vague and all over the place but I am just trying to learn more about the possiblities of my doing some small bits to make the above come alive.

    Or am I barking up the wrong trunk? Or just plain barking mad? considering that I am not a programmer but can
    <?php echo ‘monkey do, monkey learn – slowly’; ?>

    Please enlighten and point.


    i) have you seen the home.php template? this will make a special page just for your home page

    here is a very simple homepage that just shows the most recent post (or you can use your sticky post thing) for a specific category:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    $posts = get_posts('numberposts=1&category=2');
    foreach($posts as $post) :
    <h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>

    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    and maybe in your contents you link to whichever thing you want to link to.


    thanks for the pointer to the codex and the code. gonna give this a whirl and see where I can go with this ??

    but what is the value of “2” for category in your line
    <code>$posts = get_posts(‘numberposts=1&category=2’);</code>

    how do I work out that value?

    go to your WP Admin > Manage > Categories, and it will have the ID listed in the table.

    so obvious when you know where to find it. thanks for your help

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