• https://www.3sixtyglobal.com/wordpress WAS working perfectly, then I asked tech support at Westhost ( hosting company) if he would help move the folder FROM the sub directory to the main directory, AS I AM NOT A DEVELOPER NOR DO I UNDERSTAND MUCH CODING, making the site go “live” turns out all he did was literally slide the folder – without updating the database in the appropriate areas – the result was that the site was completely broken nothing loading , no images no formatting – nothing just the text only. The guy explained that it was out of their support but would help me – I did not have the heart to go bust his chops – SO I tried putting the sub directory BACK, which almost worked – fonts were formatted, header/slider sort of worked ( without the images). but everything else on the site was not appearing: no images, no layout formatting, no plugins.

    I was told by another tech support person that the reason for the having formatted text but no images, no layout, no plugins – was because – “wordpress” ( .htacces and index.php ) – is not finding the directory “wp-content” ( uploads, themes, plugin, nivo slider, etc etc)

    SO here lies the question – HOW DO I GET THESE ITEMS TO APPEAR ? ?

    I am not a developer – just a guy trying to help a friend. ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED! !

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  • Here are the instructions for moving WordPress from it’s own directory to root. https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Moving_WordPress#On_Your_Existing_Server

    You may have to do a little back-tracking to undo the things that have been done out of order or incorrectly, but the instructions are pretty straight forward and step by step.

    1. Get a good web hosting provider. I recommend https://mediafortress.net. Web Hosts will normally not touch your script due to your mentioned issues. Especially as every cms is different and the chance of breaking it within the small amount of time they are given yo servce you. Go Media Fortress. They provide excellent support with real information on how to do this kind of stuff.

    2. Back to the problem.

    THE EASIEST thing to so is a/ delete the index.html you have set up atm.
    b/ login to cpanel and use the auto setup of wordpress i.e. softculos, installatron, fantastico etc. – Make sure you install it in the root. The root is the main directory for you web hosting i.e. public_html in ftp or filemanager.

    3. Upload your theme and plugins to relevent areas via FTP or file manger.

    4. login to https://www.3sixtyglobal.com/wordpress/wp-admin and export the database to your PC.

    5. Login to https://www.3sixtyglobal.com/wp-admin and import the data.

    6. Activate plugins etc etc clean up any errors.

    This is by far the easiest method for noobs.

    Hope it works out for you

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