• Hello i have recently started my wordpress blog page, however i have reached my limit of 10 post that could be visible. I have a total of 11 and i assumed that at the end of my blog, there wouldve been a second page saying “oldEr entries”. But theres not, someone please help. Thank you!

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  • Depends on the theme you are using and how it is setup. Whats the URL of your site and the theme you are using, more info will help. ??

    Thread Starter Barbiebag


    Thank you! my Url is https://barbiebag.com its my own personal theme…

    Oh pretty cool looking theme. Have you read up on this: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Next_and_Previous_Links

    Thread Starter Barbiebag


    Thank you! Yes I am looking at it now, but.. would I have to create a new page? I assumed once 10 post are done, the very oldest which in my case is the 11th post wouldve automatically created another pg for me.

    If this is a custom theme, maybe there was some code missing in the theme itself to automatically create those links. You don’t have to make a new page, you need to go into your theme files and add the correct stuff to make those links appear, if they aren’t after posting more then 10 blog posts. — BTW I emailed you via your website. ??

    Thread Starter Barbiebag


    Yes thats what I believe I need to do, Possibly the link you provided me with has those steps. =)

    Well good luck, hope you figure it out. If not there is always the forums. ??

    Just so everyone knows…this is how you do it.

    Go to: Appearance –> Editor –> Main Index Template (index.php)

    And put in this code towards the bottom:

    <div class="navigation"><p><?php posts_nav_link(); ?></p></div>

    And it should show some nifty links. ??

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