• wpvbforum.com – integrates vbulletin and wordpress

    This is my latest site developed using wordpress. It also uses and sells a plugin that integrates vbulletin into wordpress. Please give me feed back on the aesthetics, user friendliness and professionalism.

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  • I use this theme for one of my client’s website so obviously I am a big fan of the design. The integration seems flawless.
    The hiccup, Your site loads way slow. Page-speed = 50 ( this is a pretty bad score ). Test your site here. You should probably use a good compression/cache plugin like W3 total.

    Thread Starter wpvbforum


    That sped the site load significantly. Thank you.

    Glad it works for you..Unfortunately while I am checking it right now..your site is not loading at all. Under temporary maintenance i guess. Goodluck !

    None of the social media links on your site work. The video on your site doesn’t work. Your YouTube channel doesn’t work. And as previously mentioned, your site loads slow as hell.

    I’m interested in the product but my confidence in your ability to make something that works has vanished entirely.

    I found this thread from a Google search while trying to find a working site to tell me more about the product.

    Thread Starter wpvbforum


    We have just started to set up the site. We posted here to get some feedback while we finish up.

    After the site is ready we would be happy to give you a username and login to try the forum on our site for yourself.

    Awesome. Looking forward to it.

    Thanks for the response.

    Nice Theme and site.

    The content font seems pretty small though.

    does your plugin move vbulletin users into wordpress database?
    i’m developing a site and need to fully integerate vbulletin forum into wordpress page.
    Users must copy into wordpress due to design structure of site, i cannot use mapping or birdges. Only real users in wordpress database

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