• Hi all,

    I have completed numerous WordPress installs on Unix without a problem but never IIS.

    I have a client using WebCentral for hosting and IIS is all they offer.

    I had to have PHP and MYSQL added to the account, I downloaded the latest WP install files and all was running smoothly until WP tried to create the wp-config.php file (had to do it manually), and I tried to set up a custom structure for permalinks (and got the “If your .htaccess file were writable, we could d…” message) and I tried to automatically update a plugin (I got this message “Unable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content).”) and I tried to add a new plug in (same as previous message).

    For me, all problems pointed at permissions errors however I had WebCentral check and when they looked exactly as suggested in the documentation, I was told to ask on the WordPress forum.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I want to exhaust all avenues before telling the client he needs to change hosting company.

    I have added a phpinfo call in the footer if it helps:


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  • Howdy,

    I’ve been trying for 3 hours just to get WordPress installed on a Web Central server with no luck. I waited on the phone for an hour and they said they had to update the php database to 5.1 which they did and its still not working.

    I put all the correct database details in the wp-config.php and hit go and it just times out.

    Did you have any problems with this?


    Thread Starter ShaneJenkins


    Ah it looks like you have had as much joy with their support staff and massive waits in queue as I have.

    There were two things that Web Central had to do to get WordPress to a position where it could be installed.

    1. Upgrade their standard PHP
    2. Tell me that I needed to add on MySQL

    Have you added MySQL?

    After that I added the

    * DB name
    * DB user
    * DB password
    * DB host

    And it installed and it does work, but it’s not something I want to leave with a client when there are so many error messages.

    If you get yours working let me know if you get the same errors.

    Yep! Have already had Database and MySQL added to the account.

    Just curious did you change the DB Host? or leave it as localhost

    This is my config setup

    // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ”);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ”);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”);

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */
    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    I also setup the phpinfo file to check and pretty sure this should be fine.

    Heath, you should immediately change your password now and ask for the above post with that data removed. Never share this data.

    Thread Starter ShaneJenkins


    You DB_NAME looks right.

    Dont use local host for the DB_HOST, I have bne2-0001my.server-sql.com

    And the DB_user is the username that ends with _dbo, so for you it’s probably vs50261_1_dbo.

    Like Swanson says, go ahead and change your password.

    Let me know how you get on.

    Got it working now, just haven’t done anything to it yet, so fingers crossed it smooth sailing with installing plugins etc.

    *Swanson: thanks have changed that my bad, just a bit desperate to fix this issue.

    Thread Starter ShaneJenkins


    Did you change the username to vs50261_1_dbo?

    You have two users they are the same except one had _dbo at the end and it’s the only one to access the db with

    yep! changed the username to have the _dbo and DB HOST to bne2-0001my.server-sql.com like your setup.

    Thread Starter ShaneJenkins


    Try adding or updating a plugin and let me know if you get messages.

    Good luck

    Yep! just tried then.. same as you
    Unable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content).

    Thread Starter ShaneJenkins


    Heath, I have contacted the support crew at WebCentral, they have an open ticket that it appears someone is looking at, hopefully we’ll have some answers soon.

    O.K cool! thanks for the update Shane. After my 4 hours of frustration getting WP installed I dropped the project for a few days but will be back onto it next week.

    Thanks Heath

    Hi Shane,

    Just curious if you had any luck fixing your permissions error messages?


    Hi guys,

    Has anybody had luck with web central?

    I’m another user struggling to get wordpress going. I had the same issues with old versions of php and mysql installed on the server, but got these resolve by their helpdesk. I also had to generate the config file myself.

    I tried setting up the “pretty” permalinks, but this looks like an IIS issue as it does not support mod_rewrite. If you look at https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Using_Permalinks to get it to work on IIS 6.0, you need to install something on IIS which I don’t like my chances of getting web central to do. So I think I’m stuck with the /index.php on all my pages.

    I’m now having similar permission issues. First the theme I have is using timthumb to generate dynamic thumbnails, which are failing. Then I just tried to upload a file to the media library and got: “test.jpg” has failed to upload due to an error. The site runs perfectly on my own linux hosting, I’ve just been pulling my hair out trying to migrate it to my web central as this is who my client uses.


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