• I need to translate all within the plugins files – with each update they all are lost.

    Some buttons can be translated from the backend

    – Button text used to show review form:
    – Text to be displayed above review form:
    – Text to use for review form submit button:

    but missing is “click here to hide form”, “Check this box to confirm you are human.”, Review Title, Rating, Review etc.

    And the most mysterious is, why “Submit your review” on top of the form cannot be translated … it is just in no plugin’s file.
    Is there any extern call?
    Where can I translate this?

    I have searched all plugin’s files for the term “Submit your review” and found nothing that can be translated for this part of text on top of the form (NOT! the button!).


    Bad for updates!


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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I need to translate all within the plugins files – with each update they all are lost.

    It’s a shame there is no such thing as a child plugin. That’s probably a good thing. ??

    I’m guessing that that plugin hasn’t been made i18n friendly, so in the future, if you are going to modify a plugin make a duplicate copy into a new directory, edit the plugin file to give it a new name, and then make your changes there.

    That should prevent updates from overwriting your edits. You will have to maintain that plugin copy though, sometimes updates are security related.

    Thread Starter BeeCee


    Yes, indeed!

    And the most mysterious is, why “Submit your review” on top of the form cannot be translated … it is just in no plugin’s file.
    Is there any extern call?
    Where can I translate this?

    I have searched all plugin’s files for the term “Submit your review” and found nothing that can be translated for this part of text on top of the form (NOT! the button!).

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I’ve not used this plugin but do like grep…

    $ find . -type f | xargs -I{} grep -in "Submit your Review" {} {} | sort -u
    ./wp-customer-reviews.php:164:            'goto_leave_text' => 'Click here to submit your review.',
    ./wp-customer-reviews.php:167:            'leave_text' => 'Submit your review',
    ./wp-customer-reviews.php:175:            'submit_button_text' => 'Submit your review',

    Start looking around line 164 of the wp-customer-reviews.php file.

    Thread Starter BeeCee


    That is that strange thing … I have translated exactly these parts into German:


    but the words “submit your review” remain the same in English:


    I have checked now with Notepad++ all plugin’s files and in none of these files exists now the words “submit your review”, also it is shown – see the first screenshot.

    Very mysterious … ??

    Hi Bompus!

    I’ve the same problem in Spanish.
    If you want I do the translation to Spanish.

    P.S. Thanks for your plugin.

    Hi Guys

    i had the same problem translating this great plugin into german language, but I finally did it. The trick was to change a value in line >1000 (wp-customer-reviews.php) but dont remember which it was and just to lazy look it up. I had to add a “goto_” to make it work. Nevertheless i would like to share my translation with you.

    Here some proofs:
    https://prntscr.com/aqbki (“Ort” is a custom field)

    You can download the plugin here:
    https://uploaded.to/file/lo9sgm19 (its a 7zip)

    Its version 2.4.5. and the only differences are the translation + the added “goto_” in line >1000. With the screens and search & replace you should be able to translate it into every language needed.

    Hopefully this could help you

    I had the same problem. This is not a solution to translate all the fields, but a solution to get that annoying “Submit your review” title out of the way.

    Unlike the solution above it will give you the functions of the back end admin area of this plugin.

    Actually I went into wp-customer-reviews/wp-customer-reviews-admin.php

    If you scroll down to “Review Page Settings” you will have the code for the button and also for the header.

    <label for="goto_leave_text">Button text used to show review form: </label><input style="width:250px;" type="text" id="goto_leave_text" name="goto_leave_text" value="'.$this->options['goto_leave_text'].'" />
                            <br />
                            <small>This button will be shown above the first review.</small>
                            <br /><br />
                            <label for="leave_text">Text to be displayed above review form: </label><input style="width:250px;" type="text" id="leave_text" name="leave_text" value="'.$this->options['leave_text'].'" />
                            <br />
                            <small>This will be shown as a heading immediately above the review form.</small>
                            <br /><br />

    If you haven’t noticed, but there the code for the button is defined for the label=”goto_leave_text”

    For the header it’s just the same so if you remove the go_to from the rest of the code defined for the form header and save your file the problem is solved.

    Than go back to the plugins admin settings and save your settings as you wish them to be. You can have a different text for the button and another for the form header as the programmers intended to do.

    This should solve the review form header from showing “Submit your review”

    Also if you’re still having problems go to the wp-customer-reviews/wp-customer-reviews.php

    And check for this line
    <tr><td colspan="2"><div id="wpcr_postcomment">' . $this->options['leave_text'] . '</div></td></tr>

    If you checked than you will see that there to many quotes around leave_text remove those so that you have ‘leave_text’ like the code above.

    Save your file and it will show correctly.

    For the remaining fields, well you have to translate them manually until developpers put those fields in as well. For multiple translations I recommend you use subdomains, because it will keep languages seperated for reviews and other plugins as well.

    I’m sure this will help. Actually my mom helped me solve this ??
    Kind regards

    ive copied wp-customer-reviews.php into my child theme do translate some text. Ive held the original name of the php-file. Unfortunately nothing changed when edditing for example
    line 1014 into: $some_required = ‘<small>* Verplicht veld</small>’;

    I cant understand the explination of the “German sollution” either.
    Ive checked his wp-customer-reviews-admin.php in Notepad, but no german words were found ??
    Link to my site: https://www.fietsenmakershoek.nl/reviews/
    Some help would be great.

    I found the problem!

    What is happening is that when you install the plugin, the field for “Submit your review” (the variable leave_text) is embedded in the MySQL database, in the wp_options table in the row called wpcr_options. So what can you do?

    Option One: Go and find the value in that row, and modify it manually.

    Option Two: change the value before installing the plugin, then if you install it looks good and serves you to other websites where you want to install. (WARNING, if you want to make this option at the current site is not enough to uninstall the plugin and re-install again the right with the changes. This is because the row (wprc_options) is not deleted when you uninstall, you must delete it manually. Just delete the row (wpcr_options inside the wp_options table), do not remove the COMPLETE TABLE wp_options AS IT BELONGS TO THE SYSTEM!

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