• Hi. Since I started to put my website together I have made 13 blog posts. I’m just blogging to nobody in particular at the moment while I get the rest of the site up and running. I had my theme set up to display 5 posts per page, so my blog was using 3 pages. But just a little while ago I tried to go back and look at some of my earlier posts and received a “The requested page cannot be found” error. If I go into my theme settings and tell the blog to display 7 posts per page everything is okay (all posts show up) because the blog only needs 2 pages to display all of the posts. Basically it seems like if I can make all of my blog posts fit on 2 pages things will be okay, but obviously that isn’t going to be practical in the long run. I deactivated some recently updated/installed plugins but that didn’t make any difference. My biggest recent change has been upgrading to WordPress 3.4…

    I have no idea where to start with trying to fix this! I would very much appreciate some help =)

    My site is https://www.vrdigitalcreative.com


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  • Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    – re-uploading all files & folders – except the wp-content folder – from a fresh download of WordPress.

    Thread Starter valerieryan


    Okay, so far I have deactivated all of the plugins and that didn’t make any difference. I switched to the Twenty Eleven theme and it defaulted to displaying my blog posts on two pages (10 posts on one page and 3 posts on the other page) so the the problem that I’ve been having didn’t show up. As I mentioned before the problem with the blog only shows up if the posts take up more than two pages.

    So I switched back to my current theme (Dandelion by Pexeto, which I haven’t ever had any problems with) and now my entire blog won’t show up.

    I’m in the process of re-creating my sidebar widgets which were apparently erased when I either deactivated the plugins or switched themes. I’m not sure which. I haven’t tried the 3rd and 4th things on the list above yet. This just doesn’t make any sense. Everything has been fine. My website is pretty simple and straight-forward…nothing fancy. No problems for months and now this…

    Thread Starter valerieryan


    I also completely deleted a recently added plugin (for Fotomoto), just in case that was causing any problems, but that also didn’t make a difference.

    As I mentioned before the problem with the blog only shows up if the posts take up more than two pages.

    So what happens if you switch back to Twenty Eleven and set the post per page down to 5 in Settings -> Reading?

    Thread Starter valerieryan


    Okay, when I do that nothing shows up at all. I get this message…

    “This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
    It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching, or one of the links below, can help.”

    So…I’m guessing it’s not theme-related?

    Thread Starter valerieryan


    Okay, I’ve done a little more experimenting. The Twenty Eleven and Twenty Ten themes don’t allow the blog to work. Neither does the theme that I want to be using, Dandelion by Pexeto (and have been using for months and want to continue using). However, when I switched to the one other theme that I have, one that I got for free from Shooter Themes, the blog displays as it should. I don’t want to switch over to that theme, it doesn’t give my site the look that I want, but I’m hoping that this might help with the diagnosis? I hope? =)

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