• Howdy

    I’ve released my first theme into the big wide world. I’m convinced that I’ve forgotten something but think it’s quite nice so figure i’ll update and edit as I go along.

    You can see the theme in action here : https://beta.binarymoon.co.uk/

    You can read about the theme and get the download from my blog here : https://www.binarymoon.co.uk/2005/11/regulus-new-wordpress-theme-released/

    I actually released this yesterday – and it’s already been downloaded and used on a number of sites around the web. Unfortunately something went wrong and my post got trashed

    There weren’t a huge amount of comments but someone suggested I look at supporting translations which is a cool idea but I don’t know how best to go about doing it. I have used the _e( ‘text here’ ) function throughout, but don’t know how it’s used.

    I’m thinking about changing it so that the theme uses a language php include which has a multi dimensional array containing all the text. This would let people add translations in a straightforward way and would also mean I can add language selection to the admin panel easily.

    I don’t know much about how wordpress handles languages so if anyone could fill me in that would be appreciated.

    Otherwise, download, use and abuse as you see fit – I welcome constructive critisism so go for it.

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  • Everything related to langauges can be reached from here WordPress_in_Your_Language.
    And in this article Translating_WordPress you can read about the localization technology used in WP.

    Very briefly: if your theme is marked with the proper functions for gettext, then it’s quite easy to create a .po file for translators. Unfortunately the process for translating a theme (not WPW) and the installation of the language file for a theme is not documented (yet) in the Codex.

    [This topic has been closed to new replies.]


    Is there any way to get the tabs on the Pool theme to behave how you have configured them for that theme by overlapping the image?

    Let me know!

    Great theme BTW. Try integrating tagging into it and it could become very popular.

    I am trying to add an item to the navigation bar in the header… (I asked this question in the other thread b4 it was closed)… I am inserting the following code into the appropriate area and it does not seem to work… any ideas??

    <?php if (is_category('7')) { ?>
    <span class="current_page_item">
    <?php wp_list_cats('child_of=4'); ?>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <?php wp_list_cats('child_of=4'); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    I know its ugly, but it works in my other template… just for some reason this theme does not like it… It will not assign “current_page_item” to the link.

    Any advice would be appreciated… Thanks!!

    The code above is placed directly after the call to wp_list_pages and before the </ul> in the header file…

    I left a comment on your post yesterday on your blog, but I can’t see it now (maybe something went wrong there too). Anyway, it was about that MSIE bug. Take a look at this article at PositionIsEverything.net a€“ maybe it can help you.

    Nice theme, btw. I like it, good job!

    Thread Starter binarymoon


    moshu – thanks. That’s um… confusing. I’ll have to spend some time reading it properly I think.

    Beel – ha ha haaaa

    Phractus – I’m not sure what you mean about the pool theme and overlapping images. The tags idea could be interesting though – I’ve never played with them before but will look into it.

    Altacivil – I don’t know how to do that. I’m guessing the wp_list_cats command doesn’t make use of the current_page_item class. I’ll give it a go when I get home from work but can’t promise anything.

    x-f – My blog doesn’t seem to be accepting comments. Not sure why since I’m only using a couple of spam blocking plugins. Thanks for the link to positionIsEverything – I didn’t even think of looking there, they’ve got the answer for everything ??

    Yeah I know the wp_list_cats doesnt utilise the current page item class thingey… thats why I had to do an if/else statement… It works on a theme I have been using lately, just not on yours for some reason…. maybe it is just too crappy of a hack to actually be supposed to be working in the first place… I just want to be able to have a link to an archive (when it is listed in the nav bar) highlited when I am lookin at whatever page it is…

    Thanks for the help!

    Thread Starter binarymoon


    Ahhh – I get what you’re trying to do now.

    Try changing

    ul#nav li.current_page_item a,
    ul#nav li.current_page_item a:hover {


    ul#nav .current_page_item a,
    ul#nav .current_page_item a:hover {

    in styles.css – if you’re using one of the other colour scehems (not the orange one) you’ll need to make the same changes to the switch.css file as well. I’m sure you can work that out though ??

    Oh – andf let me know if it works ??

    I’ve updated a few other things based on peoples feedback. To get the latest version just download it again from the same location. Changes include a randomized link list, an adjusted category listing (sub categories are displayed as such) and the ability to choose how the monthly archives are laid out through the admin panel.

    I’ve been having problems with comments on my blog. Disabling Akismet helped but now I’m getting spammed so I’ve reenabled it. I’m going to have another play to see if there is anything else I can improve but if you post a comment and it doesn’t appear could you post here so I know it’s not working.

    Yeah… its funny, I was actually just loggin in to post that I figured it out… I never thought to go look in the CSS I just assumed you would have defined it a little less stringently… ??

    Thanks for the help though I appreciate it!

    LOVE the theme!

    Will have fun playing with it and seeing how badly I can break it ??

    Thread Starter binarymoon


    I try to use a minimum of divs and classes so often end up specifying things exactly ??

    Glad you got it working – and thanks for the comments.

    Thread Starter binarymoon


    I’ve updated the theme a couple of times since the original post. I’ve listed some of the key ones below

    • the sidebar now displays the sub pages if there are any.
    • randomised the link listings (blog roll) order
    • sub categories are now displayed as sub categories, rather than mixed in with other categories.
    • You can now choose wether to display the most recent (last 10) monthly archives or the whole lot through the admin panel

    I’ve got a few more things to tweak and adjust, and a lot of people have asked for a ‘recent comments’ plugin to be added to the sidebar so I’ll look into that as well.

    Just a suggestion… when you are updating your theme is it possible to put somewhere what version it is and maybe a revision history? The version history is maybe not as important… I dont know if you even want to do this but it might allow ppl to know they have the latest version (or not).

    Wicked layout… btw the sidebar “col” class doesnt work in IE like you have it layed out (i had to change it to be a left floated div and a right floated div and I also had to widen the sidebar to allow for the links and categoreis to be side by side) I dont know why IE didnt like what was going on there… but it works fine now as far as i can tell.

    The version doesnt have to be listed in the theme itself… maybe just on your site next to the link for the theme.

    I am trying to validate your template… but for some reason the search form does not seem to want to validate. If I surround the <input> tags with <div> elements, it will validate, but then (of course) it messes up the layout…

    Is there something I am missing when trying to validate this layout.

    NB: I am obviously not trying to validate the tamplate, I am trying to ensure my page is valid code… and the template is causing a failed attempt.

    Here is a link to my page: https://www.gpetzold.swifthost.net

    Here is a link to my validator page: https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gpetzold.swifthost.net%2Fwp%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline

    Before anyone jumps on me saying “please post your form code you noob…”

    Here it is… sorry I forgot it ??

    <form method="get" id="search" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
    <input name="s" id="s" type="text" value="" />
    <input name="submit" value="Find it!" type="submit" class="button" id="searchbutton" />

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