Integrating zenPhoto and WordPress… almost there
I followed the already good clues available for integrating zenPhoto and WP (in my case, zP and WP use different databases). Basically, all I do is to re-create the zen-photo index.php, injecting into it wp code (plus some css finnegling):
1. Start WP, get_header()
2. Start zenPhoto, display Gallery or Album or Photo
3. get_sidebar() … and here comes the problem ??When I try to get the sidebar, I get “DB doesn’t exist” errors that indicate that php is looking for the correct table, but in the WRONG database: it looks for them in the ZP database.
Obviously, I seem to have lost the “path” (you can see the results at
What I have tried to “reset the db path” (I wish I was technical enough to understand what that really means):
– I repeated the two WP invocation lines (define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false) and
– I inserted “$table_prefix = correct-prefix-here”)Nothing seems to work. It looks like a very silly problem, I am sure people who truly understand WP will give me a quick way out. I appreciate your help!
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