i kinda solved this too but not the exactly way i wanted. at the end of posts there was “category” and “tags”
in the index when i delete codes below, both tags and category becomes invisible. but if i delete just “tags” part all site is gone. any idea to just remove tags but keep the categories?
<!–BEGIN .entry-meta .entry-footer–>
<div class=”entry-meta entry-footer”>
<?php if ( pureline_get_terms( ‘cats’ ) ) { ?>
<span class=”entry-categories”><?php _e(‘Posted in’, ‘pure-line’ ); ?> <?php echo pureline_get_terms( ‘cats’ ); ?></span>
<?php } ?><?php if ( pureline_get_terms( ‘cats’ ) && pureline_get_terms( ‘tags’ ) ) { ?><span class=”meta-sep”>-</span><?php } ?>
<?php if ( pureline_get_terms( ‘tags’ ) ) { ?>
<span class=”entry-tags”><?php _e(‘Tagged’, ‘pure-line’ ); ?> <?php echo pureline_get_terms( ‘tags’ ); ?></span>
<?php } ?>
<!–END .entry-meta .entry-footer–>