• Resolved dynamon


    I have read a few similar issues reported in the forum and find the issue is said to be resolved but this issue still seem to affect my site. I have recently created this site (www.londonjazz.net). WP version is 3.4.1 and EM is I am using Custom Community theme

    Everything worked fine right after a fresh install. Under Event, I have Categories and Locations. At first I didn’t know what triggered the error, and so I tried to uninstall, delete, install the plugin again and again step by step until I realised that the problem started when I changed the event and/or location page formats. With some manual re-config, I managed to get the link to the Locations working again, but Categories link can only work if I put it at the top level (i.e. no parent).

    I tried this suggestion about define(‘EM_DISABLE_PERMALINKS’,true);
    in wp-config.php (whether this could still be a solution for my version…), but this does not solve my problem.

    Please could you help. Thanks.


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  • Do you have a sample link? also, did you check the permalink slugs at settings > pages > permalink slugs

    Thread Starter dynamon


    Hi, agelonwl
    Thank you so much for responding quickly ??

    The site is londonjazz.net. You will see that the Categories link under Events is broken.

    My permalinks slugs all correspond to the slugs in the main Page settings.

    While testing this what I noticed are these:

    1/ when the events manager is installed, the following pages are created automatically.
    Events is at the top level, Categories, Locations, My Bookings are under Events.

    2/ When I look at the Events > Settings > Pages > Permalink Slugs, the original set-up is:

    Events: events
    Locations: locations (NOT events/locations)
    Event Categories: events/categories
    Event Tags: events/tags

    3/ These sub menu links broke after I made some changes to Location page format (or it could have been a single event page). I had made most of the changes before I inserted all the events data and at that point the links were still working, but after I put all the events, I wanted to do a bit of cosmetic changes, it broke again. I remember previously, it happened after all the location data were added and I made some mods to the format. Could having a lot of data affect it anyhow???

    4/ At this point, the links to both Categories and Locations were broken (and I realise it now that link to Tags is broken too).

    5/ When I manually changed the Locations slug (originally it was /locations) to what it is supposed to, i.e. /events/locations, the Locations link started working again.

    6/ The other two (Categories, Tags) slugs are correct from the beginning so I could not change there. If I manually change it to /categories just to see what happens, it redirect to /events/categories, etc anyway.

    7/ I also noticed that, without changing the Categories slugs setting in EM > settings > pages > permalink slugs page (i.e. keeping /events/categories as it is), but if I just put Categories page in the Pages setting in the main menu to the top level (i.e. so Event and Categories come to the same level). The link still works.

    8/ I did another test – I created a new page say, ‘event categories’ and in the text field, I put [categories_list hide_empty=0] and save. If I put this page under Event page, I get the same error. If I put it at the top level, it shows categories list as expected.

    A couple of things to note about my site settings:
    – I am not using bookings and so I put My Bookings page in the trash so that it won’t show up in the menu.
    – I use 1 attribute for Events and 2 for Locations.

    thanks for your help in advance.

    Thread Starter dynamon


    I had to reset the set up – so the links are currently working again.

    What happened was that from the initial setting, I left the search page to point to nothing. When all done, I selected search to Event and this caused the page links settings to alter somehow completely, the Event page lost from the menu (although it existed in the Page setting) and I could not access the page any more from the live site, put Cateories/locations on the top level in the menu (although they were under Event page) but they then pointed to Member page, etc. I checked all the permalink settings, etc but they were set as they should. I could not find how to get back to the setup page to remove search setting, so I had to reset the Event Manager settings so that I can get the event menu appear again.

    I have to go through the format again to see if I can keep the links

    Thread Starter dynamon


    It is broken again. Today I made this change: Formats/Layouts > Calendar format > Show list on day with single event? > YES, and realised that the Menu links were broken again.

    I haven’t been doing much work on this site since my last post and everything was working then. I also went through this to my colleague a few days afterwords and links were working all ok then. Today I came back to start working again, and then first thing I noticed was that lots of the links in calendar widget were broken (a few still worked but most of them were broken). I didn’t check the category and location links on the menu bar at that time, but I went straight to the settings, made the above change, and checked the links in the menu bar when I noticed they were broken again. So I am not 100% sure if my last modification made the links to broke again or it might have been broken at the same time as the calendar widget links (but what made the calendar widget links break? I don’t recall doing anything since last time…). the site URL is https://www.londonjazz.net.

    how about if you create brand new pages and assign those as new event pages? you can call them whatever you want to begin with, reassign them in EM settings, and test them out, just to see if it works.

    Then, you can rename the slugs etc. of these pages and make them children of the events page, hopefully it’ll still work.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    sorry but I’m skimming here, but if you’re having 404 errors on categories page, can you try the dev version and see if that helps? I’ve fixed an issue causing problems with this page and Thesis themes, so hopefully this’ll fix it.

    If not, an update will be out in a day or so, if that doesn’t fix it, please please bump this.

    Thread Starter dynamon


    Hi, thanks for your messages.
    @aglonwl, you mean something like this? (it was in my description above) – but unfortunately, this did not work… )

    8/ I did another test – I created a new page say, ‘event categories’ and in the text field, I put [categories_list hide_empty=0] and save. If I put this page under Event page, I get the same error. If I put it at the top level, it shows categories list as expected.

    Would it be possible to switch to the dev version without uninstalling the current version? (and not to loose the events/location entries)? I am sure it can be done but I am still new to WP, and so I am not sure how. if it is a matter of a few days until the new version to be released, I can wait.

    Would it be possible to switch to the dev version without uninstalling the current version?

    sorry but you need to uninstall your current EM version before using the dev version – https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/events-manager.zip

    My EM install is also exhibiting similar behavior to dynamon.

    I only have categories and locations enabled for EM and no custom attributes for anything.

    Permalink slug settings in EM are set to “events/categories” and “events/locations”

    Ensured pages were proper in the page manager. Categories and locations are children of events and are displayed in the menu like that.

    example.com/categories redirects to example.com/events/categories which is an undesired behavior (if I wanted to create pages with that slug name at the top level). The same redirection behavior is found with example.com/locations redirecting to example.com/events/locations

    Making the categories page a top level page fixes the problem. Sort of. If I do that, then the categories page is accessible through exmaple.com/categories and I changed the slug name on the categories page (in the page manager, not EM settings) to “xyzcategories” and it displays the correct information at example.com/xyzcategories even though I have the slug settings in EM set to “events/categories”

    Hopefully, I have provided enough debugging information here!

    ps: I’ll try the dev version and see if it fixes these bugs.

    I think I might be having a similar problem. I’ve tried new pages, new slugs, etc…
    I can go to the events/categories page just fine and it lists my categories (I have about 15 categories and they all show up fine). The problem I am having is when I click on the category… for example “Musicals”, it takes me to /events/categories/musicals but instead of listing events that are assigned to that category, it shows me one of my media images as a post with a [Read More] link that links to the category I’m viewing…

    Latest version of WP
    Latest version of BuddyPress
    Latest version of this plugin
    Using Genesis framework

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    try the dev version, it should fix this on variuos themes (e.g. thesis)

    Thread Starter dynamon


    I am tempted to try the dev version but the trouble is, if I installed even the current version, it always fixes the problem. I have uninstalled and re-installed the current version at least 3 or 4 times (you have also seen me doing it once since my first post) and it always works at first. The problem starts when I make some modification, and I have not worked out what triggers the problem ??

    The dev version did fix some of my problems but I still have some reservations:

    -The default slug for locations is just “locations” and not “events/locations” but the default slug for categories is “events/categories”

    -Even though bookings is disabled and configuration options are not in the EM config section, the bookings url is still accessible through: “events/my-bookings” This page does not exist in the WP page manager

    -example.com/categories, example.com/locations, and example.com/my-bookings still redirect to their respective “events/categories” etc pages which is still an undesired behavior imo.

    I am trying out the dev version now on my dev site. One thing so far when I just activated it, I get the following line 12 times at the top of the dashboard. They only showed up during activation. bbp is either buddypress or bbpress related no? I don’t get the errors during activating any other plugins.

    Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘bbp_filter_sample_permalink’ was given in /wp-includes/plugin.php on line 170

    Thread Starter dynamon


    The behaviour kuemerle5 has just described is what I have observed too and I agree.

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