Okay, it is getting more clear what you want to do. Although I’m still not a hundred percent sure. Maybe describe your idea a little bit more or ask me direct questions.
If you want to write your own plugin which uses the podPress metadata to add a custom player then you can of course do that. You can disable the podPress player on the general and player settings page of podPress.
podPress stores the meta information in two db rows per post (or page).
One has the meta_key _podPressMedia and the other _podPressPostSpecific.
_podPressMedia is an array or object which contains an array with the meta data for all the media files of this post (or page). Each media file sub array includes the values with the following keys:
URI, title, type, size, duration, previewImage, dimensionW, dimensionH, rss, atom.
_podPressPostSpecific contains the settings of the section “Post specific settings for iTunes” (below the post editor box).