With Javascript, you can calculate the images width and height and return a size of your liking, though if the image size you desire is bigger than that of the original image used, it wouldn’t look as sharp, but not really blurry or pixelated (this is only the case if you force the size to a dimension bigger than the orig through CSS/Javascript).
Also, some clarifications. WP already has “Media Settings” where you can specify the default “Thumbnail Size/Medium Size/Large Size” which you can use before inserting the image to the TinyMCE (the WordPress WYSIWYG editor).. This is probably what you need. Specify the image dimension you want then before you insert it in the editor, select that dimension..
Lastly, the “the_content()” function is already a prepared function used to echo the “post_content” column for the particular post requested. We can’t really do much with this since it is only pulling prepared data from the db and presenting it – meaning the data (image) in this case is already cropped etc.
The only reason I can think of why you want to resize images without using the built-in WP feature is if you want all the prior published posts that does not have the dimensions you want resized. Is this the case?