• Fer Pont


    Hi Dalton, sorry to disctract you but I’m in desperate need of solving a position issue for a client ASAP
    Iam using your beautiful plugin Haiku mp3 player, it really works fine, but I need to position it at the bottom of a template page suited for photo galleries. I can’t seem to find the way neither in the css files nor in any other…
    I’m trying to find this piece of code, where there seems to be an inline style which could have smthng to do with it:<div id="haiku-player2" class="haiku-player" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;" >
    Where can I find it?
    Thank you SO much!


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  • Thread Starter Fer Pont


    Ok, I solved the problem. Just put the do shortcode on the header and into a positioned div.

    Now I have another question… How do I set the player up to autostart?

    How exactly to solve this? I just put this code into the dev

    $audioID = 64;
    $song = get_post( $audioID );
    $exp = explode('/', $song->guid);
    $songFilename = current($exp);
    echo do_shortcode('[haiku url="'.$songFilename.'" title="'.$song->post_title.'"]');

    And it cannot be center aligned.

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