• Am I missing something or is there no ability to actually add multiple playlists? Only multiple tracks?

    The only button on the “Playlists” admin screen is for “Add Song”. The front-end visual is gorgeous, but it seems like the backend needs a lot of work.

    additionally, the form markup is bizarre on that page:


    i’d probably re-rder them:


    b/c Chrome’s inspector is trying to fix the busted markup and it shows an empty

    <form name="addplaylist" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>


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  • Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    Yeah sorry for now it only does 1 playlist – you can only have 1 instance of the player on your site.

    Thanks for the tip about the form. Will check that in next release.

    I have recorded 17 ablums (1985-2003) and have 3 more on the drawingboard.

    You have the best player, both visually and for monitizing, that I’ve found…but it’s gotta do lots of playlists and multiple instances.

    Still, a nice plugin…


    Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    Sorry JACKnight adding the multiple player functionality is a big job and just can’t justify the hours on it when we’ve got paid projects waiting to start. I’d definitely like to add this functionality at some point down the line, or if we have a client that is willing to pay for the hours on it.

    Why don’t you tell us what it’d cost? I’m sure a bunch of us would welcome the added functionality!

    I also need to have multiple playlists. A player that only supports one playlist is pretty limited. Too bad, because it’s a nice product. Wordtube was a product that supported multiple playlist like functionality.

    I’m checking out this plugin now for the multiple playlists:


    Another possibility is:


    I tried multiple plugins – now using the following plugin:

    HTML5 MP3 Player with Playlist by Sandeep Verma.(the plugins visit homepage takes you to joomla plugin, but installs a wp plugin.

    Excellent multi playlist html5 player

    Think i ended up paying $25 for self hosted script. – well worth it.
    Have multiple instances across this website –
    example at: https://burntrose.ca/phil-kott

    Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    Hi Guys… I’ve had a chance to look at this request and I think the best way to do it would be to make a Pro version of the plugin with the advanced playlist functionality (the ability to have multiple players with different playlists).

    So the question is…. what do you feel would be a reasonable price?

    You can help me out by letting me know what you’d be prepared to pay for the feature.

    Thanks all! ??

    Thread Starter HelgaTheViking


    i’ve moved on from my audio related project, but the audio plugin i purchased was $25. there is definitely a market for a really, really excellent-looking audio plugin that is EASY to use. I looked at a lot and never found anything really satisfying.

    you could probably charge $35-$40 if it was really killer. perhaps start it out at $25-30 to build up a little reputation.

    What a great plugin, it has so much potential! Its a shame that without multiple playlists I can’t use it ??
    Also, adding songs *could* be a lot easier.. ??

    I’ll put my 2 cents in here, as well, and say that I would purchase a nice looking player that could handle multiple playlists. The functionality I’m looking for would also allow the player to randomize a large number of mp3s, like a streaming radio.

    I didn’t put a price down, but I think I’d be more inclined to pay up to $40 for something like this.

    Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    Thanks for your feedback guys – much appreciated.

    You wrote that adding songs *could* be a lot easier… can you clarify what you mean? Any specific suggestions for improvement of this function for Pro Version?

    A randomize playlist function wouldn’t be too hard to add. At present it lists/plays songs in the order you added them… but I can definitely add a checkbox which when enabled would list the songs in random order on page load. Would this suit your purposes?


    Randomizing is good, but so is ordering other than by date added. I’d really like that and use it.

    Also, I seriously need to have a playlist for each of my albums.

    A dropdown showing all available tracks to play would be cool, so my visitors don’t have to click through the sequence.


    Thread Starter HelgaTheViking


    @enigmaweb – to follow up on playlists… totally need drag/drop sort order (sort by menu_order). there are plugins that do this for posts/pages already that you can reference. Otherwise what if I add Track 2 before Track 1 accidentally…. I shouldn’t have to re-upload.

    Good luck! Plugins are tough and can feel like you are digging yourself deeper and deeper… as I am currently working on updating one of mine. Don’t try to get everything done for Pro Version 1.0. A line I heard once is very pertinent: relase Version 0.1 not Version 10.


    Wanted to say thanks for such a great looking player. I’d also like to add my suggestions too

    1.) Multiple playlists
    2.) Description text area should be moved to where you create a playlist
    3.) Use a custom post type
    4.) Browse button for uploading the mp3 file

    To elaborate I think it would be very cool if this player used custom post types. The post type could be HTML5 Player for example. Instead of add new post, it would say add new playlist.

    The WYSIWYG editor would be where you would enter the description of the album. Or instead of a WYSIWYG editor just a text area for the description. you could also have a section in this post type for adding the audio files with a browse button, want to add another audio file? Click the + to add another field with the browse button. Basically you can add each track for that album one at a time by uploading it right there vs copying the full URL path of the audio file.

    The Featured Image could be the Album cover artwork. Another section of the post type could be for the Buy / Download button URL.

    When you save the post (aka playlist) a shortcode is generated for that playlist, simply add that shortcode into posts or pages.

    So many possibilities. Just my thoughts.

    Still, a very nice player with tons of potential.

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