• Resolved foodin65



    I’m using your plugin in 40+ of my clients sites. This morning, I started getting emails from al my clients stating that their analytics data is no longer available.

    I logged into all sites and I’m getting this message:
    Error gathering analytics data from Google: usageLimitsuserRateLimitExceededUnregUser Rate Limit Exceeded. Please sign uphttps://code.google.com/apis/console

    I have created a project for one of the websites with this problem inside the google api console, but there is no place in Google Analytics Dashboard to put the API Keys.

    How should I fix this issue?


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  • Hello,

    I have the same problem. Have you found a solution?

    Thread Starter foodin65


    @tomaxite – No I have not. Though I did take an extra step of adding the sites to Google Webmaster Central. This had no affect on the problem.

    The Sudden onset on the problem on all of my sites makes me think that Google changed some rules somewhere.

    Other important note: I added a new site to Google Analytics this morning (after discovering problem with all existing sites). Then added Google Analytics Dashboard and Analytics360 to the new site. The data loads from Google just fine on this new site.

    So the problem is only affecting existing sites.

    I configured https://code.google.com/apis/console/ but it changed nothing. I contacted the creator of the plugin with Twitter. I hope he will respond.

    Plugin Contributor Carson McDonald


    I wonder if this is potentially caused by using older login information. Can one of you guys try going to the settings for the plugin and doing a auth reset and then logging in again using the OAuth system? You can reset auth by going into the plugin’s settings and checking the “” checkbox then hitting save. You should then see the auth page where you will want to follow the instructions for using the “Login using Google’s OAuth system.” version.

    @foodin65 Hello,
    I have not changed but everything is good now. It was perhaps wait 24 hours after registration to the console API. Is this is on your side?

    @ Carson McDonald The problem occurred again. Is this would mean that we reach the Quotat? Many times I get disconnected and I used authentication “Login using Google’s OAuth system.” version. But nothing to do, I still have the same error message: “Error gathering data from Google analytics: usageLimitsuserRateLimitExceededUnregUser Rate Limit Exceeded. Please sign uphttps :/ / code.google.com / apis / consoleCould not load data”.
    Think you can do something?

    Same issue has occurred on my website.

    Error gathering analytics data from Google: usageLimitsuserRateLimitExceededUnregUser Rate Limit Exceeded. Please sign uphttps://code.google.com/apis/consoleError gathering analytics data from Google

    However, I have another website where the plugin is working perfectly fine. Both websites have been set up with Google Analytics for quite a while.

    Thread Starter foodin65


    I found two articles on Google Groups talking about this issue and how to fix it. It has to do with the Analytics API change over from 2.3 to 2.4.

    This first article discusses the API change and how to update your application to work with the new AP: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-analytics-data-export-api/93nTF-gg8cg/discussion%5B1-25%5D

    This second article discusses the exact issue I’m having and what needs to happen to fix it: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/google-analytics-data-export-api/sJyyrD1RVdE/_6tN4f6Ax2IJ%5B1-25%5D

    I don’t entirely understand what I need to do to fix this for my current sites having this issue, so if you have instructions after reading these… please let me know!


    same problem here.. Let me know if you’ll find a solution…

    Same here. Wish the dev would address it.

    Plugin Contributor Carson McDonald


    This isn’t a simple issue to fix really. First off I haven’t been able to trigger the limit in my testing. Second is that Google doesn’t supply the actual limit they place on unregistered API calls so it is hard to tell just how bad of problem this is. It could be different for everyone.

    Getting access to registered API calls is something that can’t be automated and I can’t gauge how easy it will be for people to go through the process. Each person using the plugin would have to go through that process.

    Having said that, are any of you guys willing to install a test version of the plugin potentially? I may be able to add a new field into the options that takes an API key and tacks it on to every request. You would have to register for the API key and that is where the difficulty would come in but then I would know just how hard it is going to be.

    Thread Starter foodin65


    Hey Carson,

    I’d be more than happy to test the plugin for you. Also, I can provide you with login details and FTP access to sites where the issue is happening.

    Lastly, I’m very familiar with the process of setting up the API keys from google and I’d be more than happy to do a screen cast for you that you could put into the setting page of the plugin.

    Feel free to contact me here: https://www.richardmatthews.me/contact-me/

    I’ll help in whatever way I can. Thanks!

    I would do the same and/or give you access to the sites I have it on that are breaking.


    Thread Starter foodin65


    Hey Carson,

    I just wanted you to know that the 2.0.4 version of your plugin seems to be working now. Some site are requiring that I re-auth with Google. Others are just working now.

    Thanks for the fix.

    Hey there,

    I installed and reinstalled version 2.0.4 of Google Analytics Dashboard WordPress plugin but I still receive the same error.

    Error gathering analytics data from Google: usageLimitsuserRateLimitExceededUnregUser Rate Limit Exceeded.

    I receive this error in the Widget as in the Setup area.

    Any advice?

    Kind regards


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