• Hi I am brand new to WordPress and looking froward to getting into it.

    However I just went to down load some plugins and there is to many! So i was wondering if someone could point out some must have and then i will look though the rest.

    My site is basically going to have few blogs but loads of photos so i am going to integrate it with zenphoto. However if there are plugins to let people register and become members that would be good.


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  • Perhaps the best route might be to think about what you want to achieve and then try to find plugins that match, rather than the other way around…

    Saying that, here’s a good thread to help you get started.

    You can search the WordPress Plugin Database
    https://wp-plugins.net/ for a specific topic that you want (pictures , admin , etc ..)

    However if there are plugins to let people register and become members that would be good.

    its allready integrated in wordpress … just allow user to register in your wordpress control panel ..

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