• A few things that i have recently found.

    For those that are having apostrophe issues where an apostrophe will show up with slashes like \\\\\’ … it’s a magic quotes issue which was identified BUT the information wasn’t quite accurate as I just found and posted my magic quotes issue here with cpanel:

    Basically, WHM was telling me that it was off, but phpinfo was telling me that it was on. If you leave magic quotes at the default setting in whm, which is off (**DEFAULT**, Click to Edit), the php.ini file leaves them commented out which leaves them ‘on’ by default I guess for some reason, or that is what it appears to be in phpinfo. When you turn magic quotes on and save, you will see that it is then uncommented, then when you turn it back off and save, it is uncommented in the off and phpinfo then will return that it is in fact off…

    Which I guess I would have to question what other items are being displayed as “off” that you want “off” but are actually still on if the (**DEFAULT**, Click to Edit) is visible in the WHM PHP editor…
    For running the plugin in a secured admin area where you force ssl, the latest plugin needs to have this in the ajax-event-calendar/ajax-event-calendar.php as it seemed not to have it when I downloaded it earlier this week in version 1.0.2:

    return array_merge($this->localized_variables(),
    					      //'ajaxurl'  	=> admin_url('admin-ajax.php'),		// required for non-admin ajax pages
                                                    'ajaxurl'  	=> admin_url('admin-ajax.php', is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'), // required for non-admin ajax pages
    						'editable'	=> false

    Or you could have just used

    I guess.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but these are the only two problems I have found using this plugin and the latest wordpress and my pandatheme. Great plugin with a nice looking frontend. Clean.


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