• Hi
    Love your work first of all!
    The plugin wants me to dele the theme original meta description, from the plugin panel i get this message”
    Your theme contains a meta description, which blocks WordPress SEO from working properly, please delete the following line, or press fix it:
    <meta name=”description” content='<?php echo get_bloginfo( ‘description’, ‘display’ ) ?>’ />

    i tried to delete this both by using the delete button function and manual delete the line in the header.php
    But still i get the same message…what should ido and is there some special order to solve….
    hoping for help…


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  • Same here.

    Update: when I try to fix it automatically, this is the error:

    Warning: fopen(…/wp-content/themes/clear-line/header.php.wpseobak) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in …/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/pages/dashboard.php on line 35

    I’ve set up permissions in both files, theme’s header.php and plugin’s dashbooard.php, but nothing change.
    Of course, I also removed the line <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $meta['description']?>" />, and then all the line
    <?php if ($meta['description']) {?><meta name="description" content="<?php echo $meta['description']?>" /><?php } ?>

    So, currently I don’t have no more line in the header for the meta description, but the plugin’s signal is still there, after refresh and cache cleaned, and warning reappears if I try to fix it.
    In the source, the right plugin meta description is there, like it was before, as usual, so I think that new check to see whether the theme contains a hardcoded meta description doesn’t work well.

    Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    The meta description line is gone now? Yet the notice still appears? Even when you click fix it again?

    If so, could you please test the development version… You can download the development version from here, or you can download it directly here.

    Please make sure to enable tracking and tell me what your URL is, might help me to find the issue more easily.

    I have same for this <meta name=”description” content=”<?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>” />

    The meta description line is gone now? Yet the notice still appears? Even when you click fix it again?

    Yes it’s just like that, and when I click fix it the warning message appear. I haven’t tried dev. version because others times for other problems dev. version has never worked, so I’m waiting for someone else who have this same problem (here’s another one), and a quick fix.
    Apart from the wrong error plugin message, I don’t think there are malfunctions, because in the source I can read meta-description.
    I don’t even update to because I read about people with worst problems, so I think I can wait ’til a stable version.
    My URL

    Is there a fix?

    Same here…?

    Same here…2

    Even a comment from the author saying he’s working on it would help….
    It’s been at least 3 days.
    Why would anyone want to try a beta version? I’m not that stupid.
    Time to go back to All-In-One. It’s not free, but I wouldn’t have wasted all this time either. That’s worth well over the cost of the AIO.
    Thanks Yoast!

    Above the author states, “Please make sure to enable tracking and tell me what your URL is, might help me to find the issue more easily.”

    My question, “WHICH TRACKING?”
    Again with the incomplete sentences and partial instructions.
    He writes like we can read his mind and that we understand all that he does. If we did, we wouldn’t need his plugin!
    Try writing for the audience.

    I did install and the error still stay. =(

    Hello All,

    I had very same problem today, but the fix can be done, by deleting the meta header line and then pressing Save Settings at the bottom of the Dashboard page of the SEO. (at least it disappeared after that for me)

    Second of all, I just have to react on Richard’s comments. Those comments are rubbish. First of all, to enable tracking make a lot of sense. It is just you being lazy to have a look at the first page of the SEO and see the first tick box which is called Tracking.

    So no need for you to read any mind. It wouldn’t be possible for you anyway, you can’t even read the first page of the SEO dashboard.

    Nobody force you to use this plugin, people who can’t appreciate the work of others should be banned from Open Source.

    I had already done that, but it didnt work with me. =(

    Thanks for your opinion.
    But I might point out your insulting me isn’t any different than my comments on the author of the plugin.
    I did see read and see the first page. However, since the author didn’t take the time to differentiate, and there is more than one tracking available in webhosting, his instructions were quite incomplete and not clear. He has a habit of that; it was not unique to this problem. Similarly, after three days he still had not responded to those of us having the problem. Not even a response saying he was working on it. Quite rude in my opinion.
    As for your comments, I think you just stepped on your own toes.
    And as you will notice from Guilherme’s post, your attempt at a solution failed for him. If I was to call anything ‘rubbish’ it would be your fix. So please, stop with the arrogance. You are not the Open Source god.

    Notice of the new update of the plugin, v. was received this morning. We updated. No change: same problem, no solution, no response from the author.
    Anyone else had any success after this upgrade?

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