• Resolved petervg1810


    We’ve been using Creativix for a while now and it works great. I’ve found one bug/missing feature however: visitors can’t navigate to older blog posts!

    When you go the the blog page (e.g. https://www.boardkings.com/blog) you will see a summary list of blog posts (in this case 10). My question is: how can I see older blog posts? I would expect a button at the bottom of the page saying something like ‘older posts’ or ‘next page’. None of that. Am I missing something?

    How can I activate/add such a button? Or even better; can we get an update of the Creativix theme that addresses this issue (if necessary)?


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  • Thread Starter petervg1810


    Is there anyone who can push me in the right direction? Would be much appreciated.

    Assuming you’re using a blog page and the blog template, you can edit tpl_blog.php

    Here’s one way to do it. Hopefully it points you in the right direction. Just before the last </div> in the file, put the following:

    <a href="#"><?php next_posts_link('&larr;Older') ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"><?php previous_posts_link('Newer&rarr;') ?></a>

    Thread Starter petervg1810


    Thanks Ardvark! That’s the push I needed.

    Boardkings.com is a lovely site, good work on the design. I have a similar problem with displaying older blogs, I want to show Page 1, Page 2 Page 3 etc rather than just Older and Newer, any ideas on how I can do this?

    Also, any idea on how to display older blogs within categories? Appreciate your help. Thank you.

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