• I have an RSS feed that I’ve added into LiveJournal so that my friends there can view what I post.
    However, mainly what I post is images, and none of them are showing up on the LJ page
    I was wondering if it’s an inherent limitation in WordPress or RSS. I ran the feed through the RSS Validator and it gave me thumbs-up.
    The additional issue I’m having is a failure of comments posted via LiveJournal accounts to the syndicated content showing up on my home site (https://jenova.subpolitics.org). Again, I’ve looked through the forums and haven’t seen much on the interconnectivity-with-livejournal issue, so if someone’s gotten both of these issues to work, I’d be very interested in hearing how you did it.

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  • WP RSS feeds does great with images. they show the images in my bloglines. so perhaps it’s an issue with LJ.

    Thread Starter aeryck


    Yeah, it’s kind of weird because the image references within the syndicated content are just vanilla html, which LJ uses and should recognize.
    Any ideas on the comments issue, or should I really be talking with the LJ crew on this (since I’ve established that the RSS feed from my site is working)?

    well images really do work with syndication on LJ i believe. Provided this channel is not mantained manually…

    Thread Starter aeryck


    Okay, now it’s getting a tad frustrating.
    Think it could be because LJ may be looking for an XML file, where WP’s feed is a PHP link? (I don’t know why that would matter, since the PHP generates the XML)

    why not contact any of the developer communities at LJ. i heard they have communities for things like these… ??

    Thread Starter aeryck


    Okay, I’m starting to pinpoint the problem – it has got to be something with my WP setup…
    Here’s an excerpt from the XML from my LJ syndicated page:

    – <item>
    <title>Wag The Mars</title>
    <pubDate>Thu, 15 Jan 2004 19:46:22 -0500</pubDate>
    Aeryck (mailto:[email protected])
    <guid isPermaLink=”false”>8@https://jenova.subpolitics.org/index.php</guid>
    <description>Trying to figure out why the heck this feed isn’t showing images. Here’s a good test…. NASA IS LYING</description>
    – <content:encoded>
    – <![CDATA[
    Trying to figure out why the heck this feed isn’t showing images. Here’s a good test….
    <img src=”https://jenova.subpolitics.org/mars-spirit-sundial.gif”&gt;

    Okay, so what is happening is the Description tag is what’s being syndicated, not the content itself. The only thing LJ is reading is the description tag. I have html enabled in my descriptions within my WP RSS options. Any ideas on why it’s still not working?

    Thread Starter aeryck


    AH, I got it. I just had to switch the feed URL from wp-rss2.php to wp-rss.php so as to avoid encoding the content.
    I am dumb. Move along, nothing to see here.



    I have to ask… as I’m very confused.
    I haven’t noticed much of a difference between the rss2 and rss feeds added to my aggregator (Trillian 2’s built in aggregator).
    Both files returned the same amount of data. Handled the same amount of text, the excerpts properly, etc.
    If somebody could explain the difference between RSS2 and RSS .96 (I think that’s the wp-rss.php version…) as far as what the client’s end sees, I’d appreciate it.
    Or link to an explanation :D. That always works.



    Enabling HTML-Encoding inside the RSS feeds?

    If you see this message, please tell me how you got the images to show up in the rss news feeds please.. I am trying but to no avail. I want my images that show up in the pages to also show up in the rss newsfeed readers.
    Please give details.
    Kind regards,

    Did you try switching the feed to the rss version, rather than rss2, as he did?
    Speaking of which, did you have to create a new syndicated account on LJ, Aeryck?

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