You dont need a guestbook plugin, wordpress already has everything you need, and here is what I did:
enable Comments and on every page then go to your screen options and check the ‘discussion’ box.
On each page either enable or disable comments. On my site I disable on every page except the one I called “Guestbook”. This option is shown at the bottom of every page.
Install the areyouahuman plugin, enable and add your keys. Go to the Edit Site Options > Game Style: Embedded.
In the areyouahuman options enable for comments.
Setting > discussion > change the preferences you want, I made it so anyone can comment and no need for approval, the areyouahuman is very good at keeping the spam away.
I then added an image that says “guestbook” with text underneath that says “please sign our guestbook”.
To change the color of the text “leave a comment” search how to do it on the net, its quite easy on most themes. I used graphene theme and use this in custom CSS:
#comments > h4, #respond > h3, {
color: #000000;
To change the text in the comments button go to comments.php and change the relevent text.
also to change the text on the page from “Leave a Comment” to Sign the Guestbook (also in graphene, but easy enough in many themes) open the functions.php file in the theme folder and put this at the bottom:
function comment_reform ($arg) {
$arg[‘title_reply’] = __(‘Sign The Guestbook:’);
return $arg;
I hope this helps, Im pretty happy with the outcome ??
[Signature removed]