• Hey guys,
    been busting my nut for hours here trying to figure this out.

    I deleted WordPress and started afresh and even created another new app on Facebook but still the issue remains.

    I have set up a Facebook app which points to my WordPress site.
    all parts of the site work except I cannot click the register or login buttons.
    If i log in from outside Facebook and refresh the Facebook app/page then i appear logged in and can do what I want, including log out.

    any ideas please? I’ve spent hours and hours trying to figure this out now, and unfortunately most google searches think I am talking about 3rd parts Facebook connect plugins, which I’m not.

    the page in question is here:
    which is just looking at


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  • hi bradholland, i’ve done a facebook app inside a iframe, and i’ve a similar problem.

    the cause is the fact that fb doesn’t accept an url coming outside the app base domain: for example if your app is located at https://apps.facebook.com/xxxxxx/

    you can access any sub directory under xxxxxx/ level but not file of the same level. (the wp root in our case)

    i tried to resolve the problem setting target=”_parent” or even “_top” but this last is a pure redirect at the app domain.


    Hi Bradholland & splinterpc

    Did anyone figure this out, if so would like hear solution


    after some weeks, i was going crazy so i decided to implement a front-end insert form for my posts. In my case, i had only to validate input and sanitize text and dates.

    If you need to access wp-admin section (because of complexity of your task), i would suggest to change app type into “website”.

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