• My website hit 500 views in one day for the first time today, and I’m starting to think I should put ads up. I’m just not sure it’s even worth it. Over the past few weeks I’ve averaged around 250 views a day (according to jetpack). Should I put up ads?

    Also another random question: Does a jetpack “view” count individual viewers or just total pages on the site viewed?

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  • There’s no way for us to tell unless you gave a lot more info here. The biggest things are that you need to know what the per-click rates are for your chosen field, and how many users are going to actually click on the adds. Just because you get 500 views a day doesn’t mean that you’ll get 10% of those users clicking on ads. If you want to try that, I’d say try it with an ad or two, and see how it goes. If it doesn’t work out, take the ads down and try something else.

    That’s right…but you can try to put the ads up to see if any conversion click may have..

    With ~250 pageviews/day, my guess is that AdSense will net you an average of about $0.05 US/day.

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