You actually don’t see anything.
I tried using this code to show the unread threads above my forum-loop
So here’s what I changed:
<?php do_action( 'bbp_template_before_forums_loop' ); ?>
< a href="<?php bbp_user_profile_url( bbp_get_current_user_id() ); ?>forums-2/subscriptions/#bbp-author-unread-topics">Unread posts< /a>
Where Mark forgot to actually add tekst and close the < a> properly it showed nothing so I changed that.
<table class="bbp-forums">
etc etc
Left the rest of the loop-forum.php alone as it breaks quite easily.
So here’s the deal, the link actually shows up and is clickable but it goes to:
Which gives me a 404 Error.
I’ve been desperately struggling with Bbpress forum integrated in Buddypress and realized it is missing quite many essential features. Showing unread topics on one simple page among all forums being one of them.
I installed the Bbpress mark as read plugin hoping to fix this issue but so far I haven’t managed because although I get a mark as read link next to each single topic, this isn’t much use if I just want a general view of topics that are new.
I’m really hoping you can help me here ??
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