Hello User,
Thanks for the information regarding the Twitter Handle.
Here is the detailed information about changing the Twitter Handle in Hoverbar –
If you have installed the WP Plugin then go to –
https://YOUR SITE URL/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=sharethis.php
Scroll down the page and inside the box written below –
” [+] Click to modify other widget options.”
Make the changes as –
“chicklets_params: { twitter:{ “st_via”:”TwitterHandleName” } },
Then the code should look like this –
var options={ "publisher": "YOUR PUBLISHER KEY", "position": "right", "ad": { "visible": true, "openDelay": 5, "closeDelay": 0, }, "chicklets": { "items": ["facebook", "linkedin", "pinterest", "email", "sharethis", "twitter"]}, chicklets_params: { twitter:{ "st_via":"TwitterHandleName" } } };
var st_hover_widget = new sharethis.widgets.hoverbuttons(options);
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Please let us know if you have any queries.
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