• Hello,

    I installes Smallerik File Browser on my web page and it worked great.
    Then I did a stupid thing: as a security measure I deleted the only “admin” account and got one with a new login.

    Since that time when I go to the dashboard and the WPFIB settings the only message is:

    You are not allowed to edit these settings
    You should be listed in the Permissions -> Trusted Authors option to access this functionality
    Current settings = [1]

    I deactivated all other plug-ins – problem still there.
    I deleted the WPFIB completely and also wiped the database entries in wp_options.
    I used the old admin account again.

    I still get the error message.
    Maybe there are settings in the database I was not able to erase and are still there?

    This “current settings = [1]”
    where can I change that and which value should I use?

    I do not want to set up my whole page from the start up.

    Please advise!

    WP is 3.4.2 and WPFIB is 1.0 on an apache server


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  • Thread Starter der-mali


    Oh, the page with the [wpfib] says:

    Cannot display a file repository: this page was las modified by , who is not in the Trusted Authors list of the Smallerik File Browser plugin

    Someone who knows to solve this problem.
    I got the same problem as “der-mali”
    or is there an other plugin what does the same or almost the same ?

    Grtz from holland
    Manfred vd Waarsenburg

    Thread Starter der-mali


    Hello Manfred,

    it is working again here now.
    It has been a while that the error occured but let me think what I did to fix it:

    I deleted the whole FTP folder for the plugin.
    Then I went to MySQL and also deleted all entries that where from this plugin. Let me think: the term I was looking for in MySQL was
    “wpfib” (This plugin). Search for this term and deletee all entries.

    Please make a copy of the entire database first to make sure your WP site will still run after this process.

    Then install and activate the plugin anew and it should work.

    I hope I didn’t forget anyhing since it is a while ago.

    The deleting of the database entries will make sure that all permissions will be reset.
    It is a hard reset which is very “brutal” but it worked.

    Hmm I have tryed to uninstall the plugin and remove the entries from de SQL dbase but nothing worked for me.
    I have to search tomorrow why it doesn’t work for me

    i found only 2 entries in the SQL dbase, maybe there are some more.

    I hope i can find a solution because i need a frontend filebrowser.

    thanks for the help

    Thread Starter der-mali


    I think you are right.
    Now I remember: I did the above before but it didn’t work.
    The bad news is that I “killed” my entire page but I was able to export the content (I have only 5 pages there and no posts) under
    Tools – Export
    Then I started the whole thing anew with uploading WP and killing the entire MySQL database.

    This might not be a solution for you but it worked for me since my site was very fresh still with not so much content.


    Sorry that I do not have better news for you.

    Thanks for the answer, I got to search for an other solution.

    thanks anyway

    If someone knew a file browser plugin ??

    Thread Starter der-mali


    Look here:

    There are also some php scripts, independent from WP, which have a nice design:

    I like the above “Dir-List” very much

    I discovered it defaults to having user id = 1 as the only one with any admin rights on the plugin settings. So in /plugins/wpfib/includes/options.php line 263 – change the return to false temporarily, add your admin username to the permissions and then change it back.

    Hey, thanks, Josh! This solved the problem for me. (The OP may want to mark this as “solved”.)

    Thanks to solve the problem!!! I logged in with user admin and I could change the options!!!

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