• This problem is very important to me it is costing my business money by the hour. We would greatly appreciate your help.

    I have a wordpress site
    https://its2cool.com and I put some code on this page https://www.its2cool.com/party-center/birthday-parties/book-now/%20?
    I used this widget plug-in:

    I went to their ticket service.
    This was their response.

    Yesterday I went and put the widget on my site.
    I may have also messed up and put the wordpress.com text link code in my website.
    I cannot edit any of my pages that contain appointment plus codes.
    My site has never had a problem like this. It is messing with my wordpress editor. I cannot delete or edit anything that contains any code from you guys.
    Has anything like this ever happened with a widget. Or is it more likely to be crashing because of miss placed code.
    I could fix this myself if the wordpress would allow me to trash or edit pages with Appointment plus code.

    Thank you.

    RESOLUTION NOTES (if any):

    Thank you for contacting support. I will be happy to assist you with this. I spoke with the level 2 and they explained that the widget issue must be addressed with WordPress support. We do not have access to the back end, and they should be able to quickly tell you how to remove it.

    If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to re-open this ticket.
    Have a great day,

    So the question is how can I remove these plug ins if I am not allowed to edit the pages.
    Do you think issues are coming from the plug in not being updated.

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  • Yes – this is a plugin problem – NOT a WordPress issue. FTP into your site (or use whatever file management application your host provides) & delete the plugin’s folder inside wp-content/plugins.

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