OK, I checked and the error is still there so this is an issue with Weaver. Here is the error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: noOP is not defined weaverjslib.min.js:1
each.each.c weaverjslib.min.js:1
e.extend.each jquery.js:2
e.fn.e.each jquery.js:2
b.fn.superfish weaverjslib.min.js:1
(anonymous function) weaverjslib.min.js:2
o jquery.js:2
p.fireWith jquery.js:2
e.extend.ready jquery.js:2
Not too useful, I’d start by disabling the any other plugins that you have running, confirm that it is an issue with Weaver and that there aren’t any conflicts with other plugins.
Then try reinstalling Weaver, just be careful not to clear or delete your theme options. If that doesn’t help you’d have to get in touch with the Bruce, the developer of Weaver, through his support forums. Chances are pretty good that you’re not the first one to get this error and he’ll be able to tell you exactly what the problem is.