For example, i have a form which display this data in a post :
Submitted by: ,
On: Oct 30, 2012 @ 5:48 PM
Name: test
Firstname: test
Commentary: test
Upload a file: 09d515093c9afd5acf7b49d5afb463d4 (10-30-12-05-48-55).PDF (800 kB)
How can I hide the line ‘upload a file'(for example) in the post when the ‘publishing in a post’ function is enable.
This is the code in my cusom template :
<?php while(fm_summary_have_items()): fm_summary_the_item(); ?>
<?php switch(fm_summary_the_type()){
case 'separator': ?><hr /><?php break;
if(fm_summary_has_data()): ?>
<li<?php if(fm_summary_the_nickname() != "") echo " id=\"fm-item-".fm_summary_the_nickname()."\"";?>><?php echo fm_summary_the_label();?>: <strong><?php echo fm_summary_the_value();?></strong>
<?php endif;
} // end switch ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
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