• I have the sidebars with a custom image background on this site: https://sunnylikejaz.com/

    Everything was fine, until we added the “Subscribe via Email” title (which is the “Blog Subscriptions (jetpack)” widget)

    For some reason the background isn’t showing up right + the text styling isn’t the same as the rest of them. I checked it with Firebug and everything looks the same so I must be missing something.


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  • The Yellowish titles are getting their settings from h4.widgettitle:
    <h4 class="widgettitle">Follow</h4>
    The Subscribe To Email is getting it’s style from the label element.
    <label for="subscribe-field">Subscribe via Email</label>
    See if you can get rid of the label tag completely in the widget then it should match.

    hi there, I have tried the above in the custom includes and it didnt change the label colour. would you mind please looking at my website and helping me. thanks alot. soloworldtour.com

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