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  • Depending on your theme, applying BP Template Pack may end up placing the sidebar and content wrappers at the same level than the header and the footer:

    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="header">...</div>
      <div id="content">...</div>
      <div id="sidebar">...</div>
      <div id="footer">...</div>

    But you need them to be inside their own container. BP uses something like this:

    <div id="header">...</div>
    <div id="container">...</div>
      <div id="content">...</div>
      <div id="sidebar" role="complementary">...</div>
    <div id="footer">...</div>

    Your theme is probably using a different structure and/or container names from BP, for example:

    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="header">...</div>
      <div id="content">...</div>
        <div id="main">...</div>
        <div id="sidebar" class="col-right">...</div>
      <div id="footer">...</div>

    or something like that. You need to check the structure of your theme in a page where your sidebar is displayed correctly, and then modify the template files BPTP copied to your theme to reflect that structure.

    Here’s a nice tutorial (search is your friend):

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