There’s an issue with your colour scheme on the navigation menu.
Red and blue colours are read by humans at different distances. Placing red text on-top of blue background (or vice-versa) causes strain on the eye. Blue and red adjacent colours are fine. Also same issue with ‘powered by wordpress’ at the bottom.
Your slider’s text has inherited transparency from the black background containing it. This decreases readability. You can resolve this by using a transparent background image instead of CSS opacity.
You haven’t differentiated hyperlinks enough. Hyperlinks need to be consistent in appearance for users to interact with your website. Your post titles are in blue; which are hyperlinked, but your widget titles aren’t. Users won’t know the difference, especially as blue is a conventional colour for hyperlinks. Try to at least underline hyperlinks.
There should be only 3 – 4 font sizes on one page, otherwise the page appears complex and confusing to read.