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  • Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hello Robhj,
    This feature is on the list for addition in a near future release. However for now, there is a built in filter for removing the line break. Add this code to your themes’ functions.php file.

    /** Removes the line breaks from the links list **/
    add_filter( 'simple_links_shortcode_output', 'remove_line_break' );
    function remove_line_break($output){
        return str_replace('<br>','',$output);

    Hope this helps.


    Thread Starter RobhJ


    Thank you. That worked great.

    Thank you very much!


    Is there a way to make the images float left?

    I’d also love to get rid of the bullet points if at all possible.

    The page I’m working on is at this address:

    Apologize in advance for my inexperience with PHP.

    Thanks! This plugin is just what I was looking for!


    Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hi anw618,

    You may accomplish this by adding some CSS to your them’s style.css file like so.

     .simple-links-shortcode-item img{
         float: left;

    Hope this helps!

    Hi Mat,

    Thanks for your quick response. Unfortunately, that didn’t work.

    I tried deleting the site’s cache, so I’m really not sure where to go from here…

    Thanks again,


    Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hi Ashley,

    Looks like your theme might be using a custom css file located here.

    It may work to add it to that file instead.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks, that did the trick with floating the image.

    Now I just have to figure out how to modify the spacing between entries and get rid of the bullet points.

    Thanks so much for your help!


    Got the spacing. Bullets are still appearing though.


    Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hi Ashley,

    Looks like your theme has a higher CSS weight applied to li items.

    .format_text .simple-links-shortcode-item {
       list-style: none;
       list-style-type: none;
       margin-bottom: 12pt;

    You could give this a try

    That worked! You rock!

    Seriously. Thanks so much for your help!




    The filter to remove the line break isn’t working for me. Help?!

    Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hi ResaMichelle,

    The option to remove the line break is now available in both shortcodes and widgets and no longer requires using a filter.


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