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  • Hi there. Did you manage to figure this out? I am also struggling with this.

    As to Q1, to my knowledge you need to pop that line into a php file like header.php and replace the “id” with your slider id (found in the table where you view the sliders you have created – here it should also show the shortcode for each slider you created).

    To make the slider appear on your homepage it would look like this: ‘putRevSlider(“slider1″,”homepage”);’

    I have an issue with the tp-thumbcontainer applying a style-“left: -6px;” after the second tp thumb highlights in the animation sequence.

    See here:

    I can’t understand what’s causing this. I don’t see any reason a shift to the left would be occurring.


    Version 2.3.1 cause error. Widgets stop showing on multisite. Not sure about latest version.


    I’m also having trouble with the revolution slider plugin. I’m using BulletPress and I’ve copied and pasted the code <?php putRevSlider("homepageslider","homepage") ?> from the theme.html to the CSS Stylesheet editor (‘homepageslider’ is the alias I saved) but each time I hit save changes the code changes colour to red and flags a ton of ‘unexpected tokens’. So when I visit my home page the slider doesn’t show up.

    I’ve also tried editing the short as it says in one of the comments above, again to no avail. It does, however, show up in the sidebar when I drag it in as a widget, but I don’t want my slider in a sidebar…


    Sorry if I’ve missed something glaringly obvious,



    I try to edit text layer Style by using the dropdown menu. Java loader will run continually and browser console give this error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Object function (e,t){return new x.fn.init(e,t,r)} has no method ‘curCSS’

    same error appear if I try to drag and drop text position.

    Any idea what I should do?

    Does anyone know hoe to remove the drop shadow (box-shadow) from the bottom of the slider’s div?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    If I understand the question correctly, go to the edit slider/appearance and select shadow type: no shadow.

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