Thanks, but you have conflated my 2 questions, I will try and phrase them better.
- This is a question about your website/examples. You have a separate section called pro., so your two lightshows I assumed were NOT pro. What is the difference features between them. Are they both free?
- Our site. We are an Arts Charity. We allow Artists to submit images of their work via a custom post (ie via the frontend, not via the backend/Admin). The images are ‘attached’ to the post. The custom post was designed (like the rest of the site) with the block editor, but included a shortcode [gallery] block – which automatically displays all images attached to the post. See the gallery codex.
We want to improve this gallery, by adding a light box. Some of your competitor plugins (Jetpack, Responsive lightbox… , Gallery lighbox, etc) automatically enhance galleries. Some with just a better gallery, and some add a lightbox. But so far the competitors lack at least one of the features you provide e.g thumbnails, captions, etc.
I don’t see the ‘automatic’ gallery enhancement feature in your plugin for attached images – can it?
If I add one of you blocks to a post, I am required to add images from the library. Then it works fine. Is there a way to avoid this need to add images manually, because they are already attached to the post.