• I’m using Mars Edit 1.1 and have upgraded to WordPress 2.0. Since upgrading both of these, whenever I upload a post, I lose all custom HTML tags that were in the post. I don’t know if this is happening on Mars Edit’s end or WordPress’s. Anyone have any suggestions on how to correct this? (The standard HTML tags included in Mars Edit’s drop down menu show up. It’s just my custom tags.)


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  • Thread Starter jbnimble


    Follow-up… I thought this might be the fault of the WYSIWYG editor. But I turned it off and posted. The tags still don’t show up. So I’m still at a loss.

    try using the web interface of WordPress, in plain view without WYSIWYG & also diable the option of “Fix invalid xHTML” in Options menu at WordPress admin. then try it!!

    Thread Starter jbnimble


    Thanks for the suggestion… But to no avail…

    I can put in the custom tags in the web interface… They get lost in the upload process from Mars Edit. So I wind up posting, and then editing the post online. Not the happiest workflow I can imagine.

    Again, thanks… I’ll keep trying things.

    well, the only reason I can think of then is that mars edit is stripping out non HTML tags. try & look for a setting in it to allow non-standard HTML tags. if its not there, then you can look for another client tool or use the web-interface only to post(I’m myself not in favour of using a blog client).

    Thread Starter jbnimble


    Fair enough… I like using a client so that I can compose drafts, spell check, format, etc. (Mars Edit’s ability to compose using BBEdit is another plus for me…)

    Any Mars Edit users out there noticing this same behavior?

    I like using a client so that I can compose drafts, spell check, format, etc.

    Not trying to nit-pick or nag you, but all that can be done in the web-interface as well. You can save drafts, spell check can be had using a plugin(I’ve it as well, though I don’t use it much), format your posts(using a WYSIWYG editor which is inbuilt in WP2.0 & plugins are available for WP1.5.x). So don’t think that web-interface is inferior!! ??

    But if you intend to stick with a client & if MarsEdit continues to give problems, maybe then you should look for another client. Ecto is one that I know of, and there was this thread here in the forums on blog clients for Windows & OS-X.

    Thread Starter jbnimble


    Thanks again…

    Really, I don’t want to debate the merits of the two options… (It would take us down a dark corridor of whether I should even be using Safari or not…) The BBEdit ability in Mars Edit is an important thing for me, as I like having the GREP… And I like having custom tags. Switching to another client isn’t really realistic, since I’ve already paid for one.

    Mostly, I just want to know if someone who is using Mars Edit 1.1 with WordPress 2.0 is experiencing these problems, and, if so, how they dealt with it.

    I do appreciate your responses, I just need someone who has some experience with Mars Edit.

    maybe then you should look into the Mars Edit’s installation folder & see if it stores its HTML tag library in a separate file or something. If yes, then you can perhaps add your tags to that list & then I think Mars Edit will not strip out your tags. I did something like this with Dreamweaver when I wanted it to treat a custom file extension as PHP file!! ??

    Thread Starter jbnimble


    Actually, I believe I’m finding increasing circumstantial evidence that it is WordPress that is stripping the tags… Some problem with xmlrpc… It’d be nice to have that confirmed, though.

    I’m getting the same results with w.bloggar. I have some tags to float left and right…the previews look fine, but when I post to 2.0 there is no float.

    I’m trying to find the ‘allowed tags’ in the admin interface, but can never remember where the heck that is.


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