• Hi all!
    I have an annoying little problem.

    I am switching to WordPress, from a WYSISYG editor that came with a hosting company. I am copying over my website from Register.Com(The hosting company I am with) to WordPress, and tried copying the text two different ways. I just would copy and paste the text so it brought over some of the color, size, etc, or paste the text as plain text and had the same problem after I change the font size, color, style, etc…….. The Problem is, is I can’t change the spacing. Like I have an align left paragraph, then a space,
    then a centered sentence, then a space, then an align lift paragraph. The centered sentence is righ above the lower paragraph. I want to put a space in there, I put my curser and hit enter which creates a space. I then hit the “HTML” view, then back to visual, and my space has disappered. It also doesn’t register the change on the live site either when I click preview. Why is that? I have noticed that with other things too. I make a change in the visual editor, then click HTML, then back to visual and my change wasn’t saved. Any Ideas? Any help would be apreciated. Thanks!
    I am using WordPress 3.4.2, and my hosting company is JustHost, which is a sister company to BlueHost. I also have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, although I am working for a person who doens’t know HTML or CSS, and doesn’t want to learn. I also have watched numerous videos on how WordPress works.

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  • Can you provide a link to your site please?

    Thread Starter Ham Radio


    Sure! I am building the website for a church. Technically I wasn’t the one coming from Register.Com, it is the church, and they hired me to help them move it from where they are now to WordPress.

    I was just trying it again tonight. I copied the text, then I clicked “Paste as plain text” I then changed the font size, color, alignment, etc with the editor in WordPress.

    It is happening right now on this page. I added a space above and below the verse, then I clicked preview, and my spaces weren’t there. Same thing happens when I click on the “HTML” view in WordPress. I click that, then click back to visual and my spaces disappeared.

    Thanks for your help! Much Appreciated!!!

    I then changed the font size, color, alignment, etc with the editor in WordPress.

    I think that the issue has to do with the method you are using. You shouldn’t be changing the font colour and sizes in the WordPress admin. Instead you should edit the stylesheet, so that you have a consistent text size and line spacing throughout your site. I can see some spacing in your text, but because you’ve made the font so large, these no longer look appropriate.

    The other thing that may be causing problems is that switching between the visual and html editors can cause problems — it’s a known problem and most people avoid it by sticking to one or the other when editing.

    Thread Starter Ham Radio


    Thanks for the reply!
    Hm……ok. When you say the stylesheet, do you mean the css stylesheet?
    Is there a link that you can give me so I can read up on that more? Thanks.

    The person that I building this site for want’s more then just the same size text everywhere. So how would I make text different sizes and colors on the same page? Thanks for your help, much appreciated ??

    Yes, that’s what she meant — generally it’s style.css, though there can be more than one in some themes or if plug-ins add their own stylesheet.

    This is a good CSS reference site:


    Also download Firebug — which is a great tool for working with CSS — there is lots of good info on their site too:


    There are also lots of good tutorials and videos out there on CSS and WP — so you could search around for more.

    The codex may also be useful:


    Thread Starter Ham Radio


    Ok, thanks for that info!!! I have been to the w3 School website before, I will have to study their material more. I have also heard of Firebug. You think it is better then the built in developer tools in Firefox?
    Thanks for the link to the Codex as well.

    So basically the impression that I am getting, is that the text font, color, size, etc should be the same through the entire site?
    I am still a little fuzzy on that part. If that isn’t the case, then I use CSS to change the font size, color, etc on my pages?
    I am using wordpress more as a CMS then a blogging platform, and it seems that if I have a website with the same size font, color, etc that it makes the site rather boring. I would want to have different text sizes, colors, etc in my pages, so how would I do that? Thanks :).

    Firebug just adds more functionality to Firefox – -definitely worth using and learning it well. Their site has good info.

    No, you can modify anything to do with size, color, font, layout, styling etc. in the CSS. Do some basic research and it will make more sense.

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