• Hi,

    this plugin seems to cause slow queries. This log I′ve got from my hoster and if this plugin is activated, the site is loading 5 sec longer:

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, e.post_id, i.id AS instance_id,
    i.start ) AS start, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( i.end ) AS end, IF( e.allday,
    e.allday, i.end =
    DATE_ADD( i.start, INTERVAL 1 DAY ) ) AS allday, e.recurrence_rules,
    e.exception_rules, e.recurrence_dates, e.exception_dates, e.venue,
    e.address, e.city, e.province, e.postal_code, e.show_map, e.contact_name,
    e.contact_phone, e.contact_email, e.cost, e.ical_feed_url,
    e.ical_organizer, e.ical_contact, e.ical_uid FROM wp_ai1ec_events e
    wp_posts p ON e.post_id = p.ID INNER JOIN wp_ai1ec_event_instances i ON
    e.post_id =
    i.post_id  LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS trc ON e.post_id =
    trc.object_id  LEFT
    JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ttc ON trc.term_taxonomy_id = ttc.term_taxonomy_id AND
    ttc.taxonomy = \'events_categories\' WHERE post_type = \'ai1ec_event\'
    AND i.end >=
    FROM_UNIXTIME( 1354629619 )  AND ( ttc.term_id IN ( 149,138,147 )  ) AND
    = \'publish\' ORDER BY i.start ASC, post_title ASC LIMIT 0, 5;

    Furthermore this plugin causes errors for other users, which are not admins, for example editor. After the login at /wp-admin I′m getting the error: Couldn′t find google map api.

    If I log me out, I get: Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0

    Can these things be solved?

    Best Regards,


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  • Also getting the same issue on my site (hosting company just took it down for taking up too much resources) and highlighted this query:

    SELECT DISTINCT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, e.post_id, i.id AS instance_id, i.start AS start, i.end AS…..

    Is there a scheduled release for a fix, or a workaround?

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