• my site is ilovemymind.com. My webmaster chose to manually enter UA CODE.I do not know where. If I do a search to find it in File Manager can someone say where the most logical place is to look? (I would ask him, but he is unresponsive)

    Also if I add folders to the root directory (sales pages, download pages, thank you pages) do i need to manually enter the code since the pages are not entered as a wordpress page or will Joost’s Google Analytics pick them up?


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  • Do you have an admin login for your wordpress site? When you manually enter the UA code it should be in the first field on the settings page (Settings -> Google Analytics). If you are just trying to find out what the UA code is you can right-click on the webpage and select view source. The code should be somewhere near the top. If not look at the bottom.

    If a page is not created within WordPress you would need to manually enter the code yourself on those pages.

    I hope that helps and isn’t too late.

    where does one find the actual UA code?

    @shwebell do you have a Google Analytics account? If so login to Google Analytics click on the Admin menu option (top-right in the orange bar). In the center column under Property click Property settings. The UA code or Tracking ID is the top item in the list of properties.

    The Tracking ID (UA code) is part of Google Analytics. If you don’t have a Google Analytics account (which is free) you wont have a Tracking ID.


    Do you enter the full ID as in UA-xxxxxxxx-x or xxxxxxxx-x without the UA?

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