• I have tried all options that I can find on this form:
    * Deactivated all plugins
    * Disabled themes widgets.

    Nothing seems to help. I really want this to work again. Everything was working fin before upgrading to 3.5.

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  • Have you tried:

    – switching to the Twenty Twelve theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    – re-uploading all files & folders – except the wp-content folder – from a fresh download of WordPress. Make sure that you delete the old copies of files & folder before uploading the new ones.

    Thread Starter CB00


    I have disabled and renamed the plugin folder. That did not help.
    I have testing website and I just updated on that to 3.5 and switched to 3.5 and the problem did not appear on that.
    It is clearly a theme issue.

    Sins this author never replays on issues with the themes, your all I have.
    The website with this issue is of a client of mined and I am afraid by uploading a new freshly install that I will lose allot of items that are already running on the website.

    I have more websites running with themes of the same author. All of them seem to have the same problem.

    Hi CB00,

    “Can’t move widgets” points to a JavaScript problem. See if you get any errors following these directions:

    If so, let us know what the error(s) are, maybe we can help you work through them.

    I had the same problem and followed Drew’s advice. The problem went away when the debug text was added to wp-config.php, and returned when I removed the debug text.
    More details here:

    This is the Javascript error im getting.


    “position”,1))&&/(auto|scroll)/.test(c.curCSS(this,”overflow”,1)+c.curCSS(this,”overflow-y”,1)+c.curCSS(this,”overflow-x”,1))}).eq(0):this.parents().filter(function(){return/(auto|scroll)/.test(c.curCSS(this,”overflow”,1)+c.curCSS(this,”overflow-y”,1)+c.curCSS(this,”overflow-x”,1))}).eq(0);return/fixed/.test(this.css(“position”))||!a.length?c(document):a},zIndex:function(a){if(a!==j)return this.css(“zIndex”,a);if(this.length){a=c(this[0]);for(var b;a.length&&a[0]!==document;){b=a.css(“position”);

    I got the same issue. All interactive functions in the dasboard stopped working when upgrading to 3.5. I deactivatet all pluging and activated TwntyTwelve theme, but the issue is still there. I turned on script debugging, and the issue disappearead.
    In the browser I get the following error:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) .../wordpress/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery,utils&ver=3.5
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) .../wordpress/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=admin-bar,hoverIntent,common,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-dr&load[]=oppable,admin-widgets&ver=3.5
    closing script tag manually

    I figured out mine. It was a plugin issue with custom post type. I was using the Ultimate CMS plugin. Deactivated and it worked.

    I would deactivate all plugins then check your widgets. Then enable one by one to figure out which plugin is causing the issue.

    Like CB00 I deactivated all plugins and I activated the TwentyTwelve theme, but the issue is still there.

    I solved the problem in my case: The issue was in the Bullet Proof Security plugin. This leaves a .htaccess file in the wp-admin directory. This file must be updated. Deactivating the plugin had no effect. The plugin had to be updated and activated and used to update the .htacess file.

    I use Better WP Security instead of Bullet Proof Security, and that also modifies .htaccess Do you have any suggestions how to check if the .htaccess changes are the cause of the problem?

    May be Better WP Security has functions to update it.
    Else, if there is a .htaccess in the wp-admin directory, remove it.
    Set .htaccess in the WordPress directory back to original (or remove it).

    Thanks Stig
    Renaming .htaccess solved the problem, and after some trial and error I managed to identify which block in .htaccess caused my problem. I’m going to open a separate post to discuss it

    Thread Starter CB00


    Sorry I couldn’t replay before.

    I have Followed the steps. The debugged did not help the problem’.
    I do know now with error I have flowing step 3.
    This is the error I am seeing when using the Error Console in Firefox:

    TypeError: e is undefined
    source file: /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.8.3
    Line: 2

    What do I change in here?

    Drew Jaynes

    Hi CB00,

    “Can’t move widgets” points to a JavaScript problem. See if you get any errors following these directions:


    If so, let us know what the error(s) are, maybe we can help you work through them.

    Have you worked thru all of this post, https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/troubleshooting-wordpress-35-master-list?replies=4
    At the bottom of the post, there are references to plugins which may cause problems.

    Thread Starter CB00


    Thank you for trying to help. I have come across allot more issues. Just to much!
    I have solved all of them by downgrading. The update 3.5 is just not working for me.

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