Does not create network wide text widgets.
Does not create network wide text widgets. How to do this?
Left out most important text widget?
I know. I still haven’t found a solution.
check out eelv my widgets to broadcast text via the network.
it’s working on the latest wp 3.5.1 multisite / bp setup.
tip i used: use 1 site, not ur main blog to create all text widgets, that way they’re all centralized in 1 location. also, not sure if it’s a requirement but it wouldn’t allow me to broadcast any text widgets from the main blog, so my only option was to choose another site, and then i made it a standard. i also use that same site to broadcast all page/posts as well – aka, broadcast central ??
if it helps, maybe there will be more activity on the eelv threads and the author will be inclined to make improvements.
I got a combination of WP-Insert and YD Network Wide Options to work for me.
is wp-insert setup for mu? i haven’t seen that one before. i’m still still looking for a simple way to centralize ads, not sure if that will do the trick or not, still skimming over it.but i’m assuming ur using wp-insert and then network wide options to get it to the sites?
i’ve looked at the yd network wide options page, yikes! that’s on my to-do list because that one longggggg list of options which needs a lot of time to review, imo.
WP Insert kicks ass. It can do all sorts of stuff.
YD Network Wide is easier to use than it looks. If you install it just look for the options that affect WP Insert and your widgets. But, yeah it’s takes a lot of time to figure what all the other options do.
Be careful. YD can make some changes that are hard to undo.
cool. so do u think it’s possible to broadcast ads using wp insert for the ads and then broadcast the widgets via yd n w? it sounds like it.
yeah, u don’t have to remind me about being careful, i was too much of a wimp when i first opened the yd n w screen, that i closed the tab right away thinking it could screw things up on its own!! lol i’ve just recently gotten my courage back.
Oh yeah, good. Yeah, those two plugins can do all that. There is also a way to create widget code to use in your template too.
hmmm, this may actually work out for me.
but i’m definitely going to take ur advice when working with yd, hopefully just close my eyes and land on the settings for wp insert and the widgets, because that’s like working on a human heart, one false move and…silence…website is out.
r u referring to shortcode in the template?? i’m not a programmer.
lol. It’s happened to me before.
Yeah, you can make php code with WP Insert and put it in your template where you want it to show up.
Make a WP on a free host like x10hhosting and experiment there.
okay, now this somewhat funny because i didn’t even put 2+2 together, i was trying to use yd’s other plugin, yd wpmu bloglist widget in a template and it worked just fine with the exception of ie 8 and below completely destroying it and not being able to add a scroll, just because i’m limited in what i can do.
and thanks 4 the tip on using a free host to test, didn’t think about that one.
by chance, do u know which of the sites u’d recommend to post to in order to find someone who can tweak a plugin or two 4 me??
ie, i’ve got the ‘multisite admin bar switcher’ installed, works perfectly for the super-admin role, however i’d like to show most of that same menu w/ links to the blogs for the rest of the users (subscriber, etc). i looked at the code, tried a few things out, but i couldn’t do it.
Try searching “User Role” plugins. That might help you set defaults for different user roles.
i wish it was that simple.
here’s the problem: even if i found a user role plugin (still my to-do list for future users) the author put ‘dashboard’ as a quick link under the blog name, not the ‘visit site’ function, so I still need the 2 reversed – in addition to, obviously, showing the menu to other users – because a user plugin wouldn’t be able to do that 4 me.
a>>apple …clicking apple goes to user dashboardwant:
a>>apple …clicking apple goes to site (blog home page)and I still want the 2nd slide out to be hidden.
if I could only get the menu to show 4 the other users, I can probably figure out the rest.
heck, and this one is only about 100 lines of code, but w/ my failure it’s looking more like 10k!
that’s why i asking which of the freelance sites, if you’ve ever used one, would you recommend.
Hmmm… I’ve never used a freelancer before. Can I see your site? Maybe I know how to fix it.
i wouldn’t mind giving u a link but i don’t have the live site updated. as soon as i do, i wouldn’t mind getting critiques, just because i’m a newbie and always willing to learn from others.
so if ur curious about the code i posted it to pastbin not knowing how i can get the mods needed.
and here’s a screenshot of what the menu looks like from the admin point of view.
as u can see, i don’t need the last menu (dashboard, visit site, posts, etc) showing for non-admins, just the alphabetized list down and slide out blog names w/ a link to the blog (visit site), not the dashboard like the author currently has it setup for admins.
and this is what shows right now for logged in non-admins…
blog name <<toolbar
dashboard <<i’m using ‘wp hide dashboard’ plugin to change to profilei just need the rest to show. ;(
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