• How do you remove the ‘entry-title’ (not the ALT) on individual gallery pages? I have a gallery that shows x thumbnails. All is well.

    I click on a photo and the image name displays as the title on the page. Below that is the date and image size.

    Not to be a pisser but, why would WP force the image name, date and size upon a gallery post page. It’s a photo gallery. I understand the caption showing below but, it’s a gallery. People want to see photos, not image file names ??

    If you could help me make this vanish I would be grateful. I’ve tried:

    1. Several plugins (none address this issue including the page title removal or the alt title removal plugins)

    2. .page-id-149 .entry-title { display: none; } or the #post version

    And about a million variants. I don’t want to remove page titles, just this information.


    Published December 21, 2012 at 659 × 372 in gallery. Edit

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  • EDIT: Sorry I did not notice the ‘Twenty Twelve’ in the title – no link to your site needed. Will post back in a bit.

    If you post a link to your site, someone might be able to help.

    Try adding this to the end of your child theme’s style.css:

    .image-attachment header h1 { display: none; }
    .image-attachment footer { display: none; }

    you can set a parameter in the gallery shortcode to link to the image file:


    you can set it to “file” so each image will link to the image file. The default value links to the attachment’s permalink.
    [gallery link="file"]

    Thread Starter pbspirits


    Thanks for your ideas. None of these worked the way I was hoping. The .image-attachment item for css sheet didn’t work and the “file” link wasn’t good either because it would force users to view a separate image in a browser window, go back and do the same thing over and over.

    I didn’t post a link to the site yet to keep it somewhat out of the public eye for a few days.

    I ended up taking the title out of the interface for each photo in the Media Library function. I still have an issue though in that WP essentially seems to be creating a separate page for each photo i.e. with a comment box at the bottom of each page. A url for every photo is created as well.

    It’s all odd behavior to me.


    wasn’t good either because it would force users to view a separate image in a browser window

    consider to use a plugin such as ‘Gallery Carousel Without JetPack’ https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/carousel-without-jetpack/

    that WP essentially seems to be creating a separate page for each photo i.e. with a comment box at the bottom of each page

    this might be done with the template image.php or attachment.php – check your theme for those and edit them according to your ideas.
    or create an image.php


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